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Mar 09 Mar 22 BC DTS Open Source Product Team Sprint GOALS

hiteshgh edited this page Mar 9, 2023 · 4 revisions
  1. VC-Authn Uplift a) Unit test b) Deployment Configurations ( HELM charts)
  2. Tenant UI Updates( Contd) a) Consuming OCA Definitions
  3. Traction/Tenant UI Basic Messaging improvements
  4. OCA UI Design
  5. Aligning DIDComm DIDs with Aries RFCs and AFJ , so that BC Wallet and ACA-Py instances can both using AIP 2.0 Protocols.
  6. Supporting "Code with us" activities
  7. Ian Farewell tour/Transition items
  8. LCRB Agent Hosting Deployments
  9. De-commission of Old repos
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