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BC DTS Enterprise Apps May 18 May 31 Sprint Goals

hiteshgh edited this page May 30, 2023 · 8 revisions
  1. Sysdig alerts to be 100 % completed- ( Contd)

  2. Multi- Ledge read support (Traction)- ( Contd) Carry fwd TBC

  3. Log access for hosted agents(Aca-Py)- ( Contd) Carry fwd TBC

  4. VC-AuthN HELM charts- ( Contd)

  5. VC-AuthN 2.0 non-wallet handling of QR Codes(testing Only) - ( Contd)

  6. Set up Tenant UI testing Frameworks

  7. Innkeeper Improvements

  8. OIDC Architecture Decision

  9. Endorser Deployment ( Contd) Carry fwd TBC

  10. Deployment of workshop instance of Traction

  11. Complete End to End Traction UI Verifier flow

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