This is an implementation for Linq for BCC API requests on client and server side.
- Add nuget package BccCode.Linq to a .NET project
- See the usage examples below.
When you implement the IApiClient interface into your API client class, you are able to run linq queries against it like this:
using BccCode.Linq;
IApiClient client = ...;
var persons = from person in client.Persons
where person.Country == "NO" // Note: Equals(person.Country, "NO") works, too
select new
foreach(var person in persons)
// Here we interate through the query result getting
// by default per API request 100 rows/persons.
As an input param it takes a json string in directus filter format and applies the filter on a DbSet.
var filter = new Filter(jsonFilter); // jsonFilter is a json string representation in a Directus Filter format
var coll = await _dbContext.Collections