@bigcommerce/checkout-sdk › StripeElementClasses
Set custom class names on the container DOM element when the Stripe element is in a particular state.
- StripeElementClasses
• base? : undefined | string
The base class applied to the container. Defaults to StripeElement.
• complete? : undefined | string
The class name to apply when the Element is complete. Defaults to StripeElement--complete.
• empty? : undefined | string
The class name to apply when the Element is empty. Defaults to StripeElement--empty.
• focus? : undefined | string
The class name to apply when the Element is focused. Defaults to StripeElement--focus.
• invalid? : undefined | string
The class name to apply when the Element is invalid. Defaults to StripeElement--invalid.
• webkitAutoFill? : undefined | string
The class name to apply when the Element has its value autofilled by the browser (only on Chrome and Safari). Defaults to StripeElement--webkit-autofill.