Nononoco was a free android interface for the vod streaming service of Nolife ( whose name was Noco.
Nolife was a french tv channel dedicated to japanese culture and video game. More details here :
Noconoco is available here :
But due to termination of service the application can't be used with production service since end of June 2018 - So the last version is a demo version for this source code.
This source code was uploaded with a "demo" version (offline version). There is no server left, and no server code left (that's a shame!)... so all the results of API call are simulated but all the images and contents are randomized - so all filter and sort are not working. Favorites and Playlist also are not working.
This application was developped exclusively for Android and can be a good exemple (I hope) for VOD application.
Grid or column thumbs with scrolling and autopaging. All the images are cached with asynchronous loading. There is a navigation drawer and tabs can be added to a menu tab with autocentering.
There is custom media loader. Video can be viewed in landscape or portrait. There was also a forum scrapping to get all the last comments on each video.
There is a parental control, and some custom dialog window to choose language/subtitle and thumb quality. Chromecast was also intergrated with a custom UI on tv. Twitch icon is also a button to access the live streaming of this channel (now it's not working), user could also login and post on the irc channel.