This package will help you generate a strong password. Even better, the password will contain words straight out of the Lord of the Rings novel!
It was heavily inspired by this xkcd comic and this Phoenix Nap blog post.
A Shiny app is available here:
You can install the development version of keepitsecret like so:
To generate a password.
pw <- keep_it_safe()
#> [1] "saluting-death’s-uniquely-enormous"
You can also test whether a password has been part of a data breach (is it secret?)
#> This password was not found in the Pwned passwords database
#> ✔ All right, cousin Frodo! You can keep your secret for the present, if you want to be mysterious.
and how strong is your password (is it safe?)
#> This password takes centuries to crack at 10 guesses per second.
#> ✔ You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udtn. Go back to the Shadow! You cannot pass. You cannot pass!
Beware of common
#> ! Password found in database 48725 times
and weak passwords!
#> This password takes 19 minutes to crack at 10 guesses per second.
#> ── Additional advice ──
#> ! This is a very common password
#> ℹ Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.
You can also use the Shiny app instead of the console.
runRing() # to rule them all