Simple multi guild bot for giving away product keys to guild members. Any keys added sent to the bot will only be made available on guilds/servers you send the !share
add Add a key or url
mykeys Browse your own keys
remove Remove a key or url and send to you in a PM
browse Browse through available games
claim Claims a game from available keys
search Searches available games
share Add this guild the guilds you share keys with
unshare Remove this guild from the guilds you share keys with
No Category:
help Shows this message
Type !help command for more info on a command.
You can also type !help category for more info on a category.
Adds a game key to your collection. (Do this in a private message)
The bot currently supports key parsing for:
- gog
- steam
- playstation
- origin
- uplay
- url (Such as humble gift links)
Browse your own keys
Remove a key or url and send to you in a PM (Do this in a private message)
The bot currently supports key parsing for:
- gog
- steam
- playstation
- origin
- uplay
- url (Such as humble gift links)
Browse through available games. 20 per page, sorted alphabetically.
Claims a game from available keys.
Platform must be one of the above name.
The game name must evaluate to a single game.
If you are claiming a key that you provided then the WAIT_TIME
will not be applied. Otherwise you must wait until collecting your next game.
is applied across all guilds that the bot is connected too.
Searches available games. Can be used to test claims, so you don't accidentally claim the wrong game.
Adds or removes this guild the guilds you share keys with. Must be run inside a guild.
Any keys you have sent to the bot will not be available until you run the !share
Likewise, they will become unavailable if you !unshare
Follow this guide to create a discord bot:
Minimum permissions required are:
- Send Messages
- Manage Messages
Two environment variables are required.
TOKEN=<discord bot token> # Required
SQLALCHEMY_URI=<uri for database> # Will default to "sqlite:///:memory:" meaning all data will be lost on restart
#Optional defaults
BANG=! # Bot command
WAIT_TIME=84600 # Time between claims in seconds
I use pipenv for virtualenv management. I have also provided the requirements.txt for compatibility. I do recommend using some sort of virtual environment though.
To start the bot:
pipenv run python
# or
Run this bot in a docker container with the following command
docker run -e TOKEN=<YOUR DISCORD TOKEN> -e SQLALCHEMY_URI=<DB URI> bayangan/discord-key-bot
Or using docker compose. Application runs out of the /app
version: "3.0"
restart: unless-stopped
image: bayangan/discord-key-bot
- "/app/data"
WAIT_TIME: 7200 # In seconds
SQLALCHEMY_URI: "sqlite:///data/keybot.sqlite"
All pull requests are welcome. Any python must be black-ified. Pulls request will be declined unless black has formatted it.