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Baidu Cloud CNI plugin implement an interface between CNI enabled Container Orchestrator and Baidu Cloud Network Infrastructure.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your environment for development and testing purposes. See installing for notes on how to deploy the project on a Baidu Cloud CCE cluster.
A healthy CCE kubernetes cluster. See documents for creating a CCE cluster.
From the perspective of Pod connectivity in one node, Baidu Cloud CNI Plugin supports 2 modes:
- veth (compatible with all OS Image)
- ipvlan (need kernel version >= 4.9, e.g., ubuntu16/18 and centos8+)
From the perspective of Pod connectivity across nodes, Baidu Cloud CNI Plugin supports 3 modes:
- VPC Route Mode
- ENI Secondary IP Mode (only for BCC)
- BBC Secondary IP Mode
There are 3 components:
- CNI Plugin, which will wire up host's and pod's network stack when called.
- Node Agent, which is a long-running daemon on each node responsible for:
- create cni configuration file in
- install cni plugin binaries in
- setup attached ENIs
- create VPC route
- create cni configuration file in
- ENI IPAM, which is a long-running central process, supports:
- create and attach ENIs to node
- assign a Private IP address to a Pod
Fill proper information about CCE cluster in build/yamls/cce-cni-driver/values.yaml
, then run
make charts VALUES=build/yamls/cce-cni-driver/values.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Assume we have a CCE cluster with ID cce-xxxxx
at bj
Cluster cce-xxxxx
is in VPC vpc-yyyyy
Example values.yaml
are shown below:
CNIMode: vpc-route-auto-detect
Region: bj
ClusterID: cce-xxxxx
VPCID: vpc-yyyyy
ContainerNetworkCIDRIPv4: # cluster container cidr
CCEGatewayEndpoint: cce-gateway.bj.baidubce.com
BCCEndpoint: bcc.bj.baidubce.com
BBCEndpoint: bbc.bj.baidubce.com
ServiceCIDR: # cluster service cidr
CCECNIImage: registry.baidubce.com/cce-plugin-pro/cce-cni:v1.3.4
# Route Controller
EnableVPCRoute: true
EnableStaticRoute: false
CNIMode: vpc-secondary-ip-auto-detect
Region: bj
ClusterID: cce-xxxxx
VPCID: vpc-yyyyy
- sbn-a
- sbn-b
- g-bwswsr8fbjb4
CCEGatewayEndpoint: cce-gateway.bj.baidubce.com
BCCEndpoint: bcc.bj.baidubce.com
BBCEndpoint: bbc.bj.baidubce.com
ServiceCIDR: # cluster service cidr
CCECNIImage: registry.baidubce.com/cce-plugin-pro/cce-cni:v1.3.4
CNIMode: bbc-vpc-secondary-ip-auto-detect
Region: bj
ClusterID: cce-xxxxx
VPCID: vpc-yyyyy
CCEGatewayEndpoint: cce-gateway.bj.baidubce.com
BCCEndpoint: bcc.bj.baidubce.com
BBCEndpoint: bbc.bj.baidubce.com
ServiceCIDR: # cluster service cidr
CCECNIImage: registry.baidubce.com/cce-plugin-pro/cce-cni:v1.3.4
For more details, check values.yaml.
make test
Please go through CNI Spec to get some basic understanding of CNI driver before you start.
- Golang 1.13.+
- Docker 17.05+ for releasing
Dependencies are managed through go module.
To build the project, first turn on go mod using export GO111MODULE=on
To build all the binary, run make build
, then build the docker image using: make cni-image
- Please create an issue in issue list.
- Contact Committers/Owners for further discussion if needed.
- Maintainers: chenyaqi01@baidu.com, jichao04@baidu.com
- Issue list.
- Ruliu Group ID: 1586317