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BarnEs-Hut ALgorithm For CS205

Please visit our project website to learn more.


To install behalf, first clone and navigate into the repository.

From there, it can be installed (with all dependencies, including GPU support) using make via

make gpu

If this fails due to an error with installing PyCUDA, make sure that you have CUDA installed and an NVIDIA device is available. (If on Odyssey, see below). To install only CPU support, use:

make cpu

or simply (no dependencies installed):

make manual

Odyssey GPU installation

First, enable the CUDA module:

module load cuda/7.5-fasrc01

Then enter an interactive session on a GPU-enabled machine:

srun --pty --mem 4096 -n 1 --gres=gpu:1 --constraint=cuda-7.5 -p gpu -t 0-2:00 /bin/bash

From there, you should be able to install the GPU support.

Running BEHALF

The primary entry point to running a Plummer Sphere simulation with BEHALF is bin/, which should be installed into the default path.

The required arguments to are simply the name of the run and the number of particles: --run-name TEST_RUN --N-parts 1000

For details on advanced features: -h

usage: [-h] --run-name RUN_NAME --N-parts N_PARTS
                     [--total-mass TOTAL_MASS] [--radius RADIUS]
                     [--N-steps N_STEPS] [--dt DT] [--softening SOFTENING]
                     [--save-every SAVE_EVERY] [--THETA THETA]
                     [--rand-seed RAND_SEED] [--clobber] [--verbose]
                     [--production] [--no-cython]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --run-name RUN_NAME   REQUIRED - Name of the run (default: None)
  --N-parts N_PARTS     REQUIRED - Number of particles (default: None)
  --total-mass TOTAL_MASS
                        Total mass of the system (in GMsun) (default:
  --radius RADIUS       Scale Radius (in kpc) (default: 10.0)
  --N-steps N_STEPS     Number of time steps (default: 1000)
  --dt DT               Size of time step (in Myr) (default: 0.01)
  --softening SOFTENING
                        Softening length (in kpc) (default: 0.01)
  --save-every SAVE_EVERY
                        How often to save results (default: 10)
  --THETA THETA         Barnes-Hut Approximation Range (default: 0.5)
  --rand-seed RAND_SEED
                        Random seed to initialize (default: 1234)
  --clobber             Overwrite previous results? (default: False)
  --verbose             Should diagnostics be printed? (default: False)
  --production          Remove intentional slow-down for profiling (default:
  --no-cython           Dont use Cython (default: False)


The examples directory contains a collection of a few example SLURM files which can be submitted to Odyssey using the sbatch command. The examples vary in problem size (1000p or 16000p for 1000 or 16000 particles) and number of cores (serial, 4c2n, and 16c8n for 1 core, 4 cores on 2 nodes, and 16 cores on 8 nodes, respectively).

All of these examples assume that the user has access to the holyseasgpu queue, and use 1 GPU for each CPU core.

Example of how to run: from the repository home, execute:

sbatch examples/serial_1000p.slurm

According to our own profiling tests, the jobs should take roughly the following execution time to run for 1000 time steps:

serial_1000p: 3 hours

serial_16000p: 3 days

4c2n_1000p: 1.5 hours

4c2n_16000p: 1.5 days

16c8n_1000p: 1 hour

16c8n_16000p: 1 day


BarnEs-Hut ALgorithm For CS205






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Contributors 3

