Because I had multiple problems compiling and using the application framework sb6 and because I didn't want to install GLFW globally in my system, I decided to create a sandbox environment using premake5 as the project files generator (instead of cmake).
From now on, I will refer to the root directory of this repo as $repo_dir
Clone The Project:
git clone
Generate the project files using premake5. How to use premake: Using Premake
cd <$repo_dir>
premake5 <action>
Then open your project solution or whatever file(s) you generate with premake and compile.
First, change the directory cd <$repo_dir>
to your cloned repository directory, and then:
premake5 gmake2 && make
The above line will generate GNU's makefiles and will execute "make" in order to build the project.
make clean
You can also manually delete the <$repo_dir>/builds and <$repo_dir>/obj directories.
Unix Systems: ./builds/debug_x64/sandbox
Now start writing your own code, using: $repo_dir/projects/Sandbox/src/sandbox.cpp as the starting point!!! Or Include the GLFW premake5.lua and superbible6 premake5.lua scripts into your own workspace premake5 script (like this one) and create a ConsoleApp or WindowedApp (For Windows) that is similar as this project
For Windows, use the relevant executable file to start the application.