Releases: baaron4/GW2-Elite-Insights-Parser
Parser Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where certain "fake" breakbar phases could appear on certain encounters.
- Fixed Relic of Stormsinger activation detection giving false positives.
- Fixed a bug where WvW logs could collide with Catapult id and parse as "Catapult" logs.
- Fixed a bug where Escort logs could be flagged as Late Starts due to duplicated Glennas.
- Fixed a bug where River of Souls logs could be flagged as Late Starts due to duplicated Desminas.
- Fixed a bug on Ura where geysers could be mis-identified.
Parser Improvements:
- Continued migration of overriden image URLs to GW2 official APIs.
- Updated damage modifiers for February 2025 balance patch.
- Added tracking for the new Taste for Blood buff.
- Firebrand tome 1s and Bladesworn gunsaber form 1s now count as auto attacks.
- Core necro shroud transform now counts as a weapon swap.
HTML Bug Fixes:
- Fixed green flag icon, to indicate presence of ArcDPS extensions, not being shown properly.
- Fixed a bug where Demonic Bonds on Deimos Combat Replay would not disappear once killed.
- Fixed a bug where Shackled Prisoner on Deimos Combat Replay would not disappear on normal mode after pre event's end.
HTML Improvements:
- Depending on the encounter, certain secondary targets will now be selected by default.
- Upgraded plotlyjs to 3.0 for some rendering performance improvements on graphs.
- Removed box select and lasso select from the graphs' toolbar.
- Added and improved tooltips on several locations.
- Made Combat Replay actors being hidden or displayed more consistent between encounters.
- Updated Ura's Combat Replay map.
- Added the option to hide cast type outlines on simple rotation tab.
- Added the option to highlight a certain skill on simple rotation tab.
JSON Improvements:
- Added TargetPriorities to JsonPhase to indicate importance of targets. Deprecates Targets and SecondaryTargets.
Parser Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Twisted Castle logs were being processed as Unknown logs.
- Fixed a bug where Sabetha logs with overlapping champions would not parse.
- Fixed a bug where Outgoing Self buff volume stats would be wrong.
- Fixed a bug where Outgoing Group/Off-Group/Squad buff volume stats would always be 0 on "Phase Active Time".
Parser Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Call of the Mist icon missing.
- Fixed the icons of certain fight specific Empowered buffs.
- Fixed missing hitbox widths on Harvest Temple.
Parser Improvements:
- Started reworking icon providers to be mainly a mix between official API, assets.gw2dat and darthmaim. Certain elements may visually look different compared to before.
HTML Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Healing Statistics graph mode selector showing "Damage" icons instead of "Heal" icons.
- Fixed Defense Table "Times downed" column showing red downed icon instead of blue.
HTML Improvements:
- Downed icons will now be blue for allied entities and red for enemy entities on Combat Replay.
- Condensed min/avg/max cast time on Damage/Healing/Barrier distribution tables.
- Replaced some text based column headers by icons here and there.
- On Combat Replay, added the following decorations:
- Petrify for Cerus
- Planet Crash for Dagda
- Health bars for Reapers on Dhuum.
- On Combat Replay, replaced the following decorations by progress bar decorations:
- Void Amalgamate breakbar on Harvest Temple
- Aquatic Barrage on Twin Largos
- Ripose, Fiery Meteor, Patriarch Platform break and Summon Destroyer
- Imbide on Statue of Death
- Howling on Soulless Horror
- Cataclysmic Cycle, Going Up, Bomb and Hastened Demise.
- Brutalize on Samarog
- Mind Crush on Deimos
- Magic Blast on Keep Construct
- Narcolepsy on Slothasor
- Sacrifice and Fountain Disabled on Matthias
- On Combat Replay, replaced Decima charge indicator by a text decoration.
- On Combat Replay, replaced the following decorations by an icon decoration:
- Repulsion Field and Ion Shield on Sabir
- Chaos Corrosion and Critical Mass on Qadim the Peerless
- Radiant Blindness on Adina
- Unnatural Signet on Deimos
- Stealth for Reapers on Dhuum
- On Combat Replay, progress bar decorations will now react to "Use Hitbox Size" option.
Parser Bug Fixes;
- Fixed Toxic Tuning Crystal icon.
- Fixed a bug where certain infinite duration stacking buffs would not get properly removed (ex: Empowered Greer).
- Fixed "Rising Pressure" damage modifier only operating on Strike damage instead of Strike and Condition damage.
- Fixed a bug where successful Ensolyss logs would register as failure.
- Fixed a bug where certain Ensolyss logs may have 0 damages.
Parser Improvements:
- Added handling of buggy logs missing proper commander data, that would cause multiple commanders to appear in the output. Such logs will now not show any commanders in squad.
- Added Relic of Mount Balrior to the buff simulator.
- Renamed Toxic Tuning Focusing Crystal to Toxic Tuning Crystal for post Mount Balrior release logs.
- Added Relic of Mount Balrior damage modifier.
- Added Relic of Mount Balrior and Relic of the Beehive instant cast detection.
- Added the following Mechanics for Greer:
- Received Target buff.
- Getting hit by:
- Rot the World
- Wave of Corruption
- Ripples of Rot
- Rain of Sports
- Enfeebling Miasma
- Scattering Sporeblast
- Aura of Corruption
- Rake the Rot
- Cage of Decay
- Sweep the Mold
- Blob of Blight
- Eruption of Rot
- Stomp the Growth
- Added the following Mechanics for Decima:
- Hit by:
- Chorus of Thunder
- Seismic Crash
- Earthrend
- Orange arrow while under the effect of Harmonic Sensitivity
- Sparking Auras
- Sparking Aura while under the effect of Galvanic Sensitivity
- Fulgent Fence
- Fulgent Aura
- Reverberating Impact
- CC by:
- Seismic Crash
- Earthrend
- Death by Earthrend
- Targeted by Chorus of Thunder
- Decima gaining Exposed and Charge.
- Hit by:
- Added the following Mechanics for Ura:
- Hit by:
- Create Titanspawn Geyser
- Steam Prison
- Scalding Aura
- Toxic Geyser
- Sulfuric Eruption
- Eruption Vent
- Breaking Ground
- Sulfuric Froth
- CC by Create Titanspawn Geyser
- Ura casting Return Whirlpool
- Sulfuric Acid and Sulfuric Geyser related.
- Enemies getting Exposed and Rising Pressure.
- Hit by:
HTML Improvements:
- Added Relic of Mount Balrior skill decoration to Combat Replay.
- Updated Wing 8 combat replay maps.
- Added the following decorations on Combat Replay for Greer:
- Rot the World
- Stomp the Growth
- Wave of Corruption
- Cage of Decay
- Ripples of Rot
- Rain of Sport
- Enfeebling Miasma
- Scattering Sporeblast
- Sweep the Mold
- Rake the Rot
- Blob of Blight spawn AoE
- Added the following decorations on Combat Replay for Decima:
- Foreshock
- Earthrend
- Seismic Crash
- Death zone under Decima
- Aftershock
- Green orbs have their sizes and a health bar
- Chorus of Thunder
- Conduit charges
- Added the following decorations on Combat Replay for Ura:
- Create Titanspawn Geyser
- Propel Arrow
- Steam Prison walls
- Return Whirlpool
- Sulfuric Eruption shockwaves
- Breaking Ground lines
- Sulfuric Geyser pulsing AoEs
- Bloodstone Radiation AoEs
HTML Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where certain non-triggered skill decorations, like traps, would not appear on Combat Replay.
- Fixed certain Qadim platforms not becoming invisible in CM on Combat Replay.
Parser Bug Fixes:
- Fixed random parsing failures when parsing multiple logs at the same time.
Parser Improvements:
- Improved trace messages for when a parsing failure occurs.
Fixed API caches.
Updated API caches.
Application Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where trying to launch the UI via console command while giving it files to parse would throw an exception.
- Fixed a bug where a warning message would appear when trying to provide MemoryLimit setting via .conf file.
Application Improvements:
- Unknown logs will now be uploaded to wingman, should wingman allow it.
- Added workaround for buggy arc logs where PoVs would appear as subgroup 0 with their core spec.
Parser Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Geomancer's Training and Close Quarters incoming damage modifiers would show positive values.
Parser Improvements:
- Reduced parsing time by up to 30%.
- Reduced memory consumption by up to 30%.
- Added the following mechanics for Aetherblade Hideout:
- Eletric blast
- Toxic Orb
- Heartpiercer
- Fissure of Torment
- Toxic Bullet
- Ley Breach
- Color Beams
- Different kind of deaths.
- Added support for Greer:
- Success detection
- Phases
- Buffs: Empowered, Damage Immunity and Infectious Rot
- Mechanics: Reflected Projectiles, Infectious Rot and Noxious Blight
- Combat Replay Map
- Added support for Decima:
- Success detection
- Phases
- Buffs: Fractured Armor, Nova Shield, Harmonic and Galvanic Sensitivity, Thrumming Presence, Charge, Beam related buffs, Peal of Harmony, Peal of Discord and Unstoppable
- Mechanics: Fluxlance, Fluxlance Fusillade Fluxlance Salvo, Fluxlance Targeting
- Combat Replay Map
- Added support for Ura:
- Success detection
- Buffs: Pressure Blast, Sulfuric Acid, Deterrence, Bloodstone Saturation, Rising Pressure and Hardened Crust
- Damage Modifiers: Rising Pressure
- Mechanics: Deterrence, Bloodstone Saturation, Pressure Blast, Steam Prison
- Instant Cast: Dispel special action key
- Identification of geysers and bloodstone shards
HTML Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Signet of Mercy showing up on Combat Replay when using Empower.
- Fixed a bug where Share the Void, Spread Selector and Void Pool decorations could end at incorrect time stamps on Harvest Temple Combat Replay.
HTML Improvements:
- Updated Old Lion's Court Combat Replay map.
- Added the following decorations for Aetherblade Hideout:
- Fusillade
- Heartpiercer
- Tormenting Wave
- Electric Blast
- FLanking Shot
- Puzzle
- Mag Beams
- Ley breaches
- Kaleidoscopic Chaos
- Focused Destruction
- Fissure of Torments
- Added the following decorations for Greer:
- Noxious Blight
- Infectious Rot
- Added the following decorations for Decima:
- Conduit spawn
- Shock wave
- Greens
- Walls
- Indication that a conduit is charged
- Beam related decorations
- Added the following decorations for Ura:
- Slams
- Geyser related decorations
- Pressure blast related decorations
- Steam Prison
JSON Improvements:
- Damage modifier ids are now stable.
With the release of 3.0, EI is now using NetCore instead of NetFW. The release has been split into two:
- GW2EI: UI version only, works only on Windows. In order to avoid any annoyances regarding settings, please save your settings before hand and load them into the new version via the Save/Load feature on Settings panel.
- GWE2ICLI: Command console version only, works on all plateform supporting NetCore.
As far as the useage is concerned, the "-p" and "-ui" arguments has been removed. If you were using them, make sure to remove them.
Application Bug Fixes:
- Hopefully fixed timeout issues when uploading to wingman and during prime times.
Parser Improvements:
- Added instant cast detection for Berserk (enter and exit) for Berserker.
- Added Psychic Riposte buff tracking for Virtuoso.
- Added custom icons for several skills.
- Added Tribocharge and Noxious Vapor Blade buff tracking for Old Lion's Court.
- The following mechanics are now tracked on Old Lion's Court:
- Pernicious Vortex
- Crackling Wind
- Noxious Vapor Blade
- Gravitational Wave
Parser Bug Fixes:
- Fixed certain buff descriptions not properly being detected since October 2024 balance patch.
HTML Improvements:
- Added the following decorations for Old Lion's Court:
- Noxious Blade
- Tri-Bolt
- Spaghettification (Indicator, Detonation and Safe Zone)
- Dual Horizon
- Gravity Hammer
- Gravitational Wave
- Boiling Aether (Indicator and area on ground)
- Dysapoptosis (Indicator, Detonation and Safe Zone)
- Pernicious Vortex
- Rupture
- Thundering Ultimatum (Indicator, Detonation and Safe Zone)
- Crackling Wind
- Tribocharge
- Exhaust Plume
API caches have been updated.
Application Improvements:
- Improved wingman upload timeout handling.
Parser Bug Fixes:
- Cleaned up encounter redirections for wrongly flagged River of Souls log.
- Fixed certain buff descriptions not working since last balance patch.
- Fixed potential encounter success false positives on Kanaxai.
Parser Improvements:
- Added Dolyak Signet to incoming damage modifiers for Warrior.
Application Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where output file names could not properly match the input name.
Application Improvements:
- Improved timeout handlings when uploading to
Parser Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where weapon swaps before encounter start could disturb weapon set detection.
- Fixed a bug where Deimos logs could be falsely detected as success when encounter ends with players alive.
Parser Improvements:
- Added support for non traited Bulwark and Purge Gyro instant casts.
- Updated damage modifiers for October 2024 Balance Patch.
- Added proper redirection for Dhuum logs registered as River logs.
HTML Improvements:
- Shield of Courage (active) has been moved from Personal to Defensive.
- Added Combat Replay decorations for the following skills:
- Meteor, Volcano, Lesser Volcano, Undertow, Fulgor, Twister, Fissure and all four Etchings for Elementalist.
- Solar Storm, Spear Impact and Symbol of Luminance for Guardian.
- Mental Collapse for Mesmer.
- Healing Spring (active and inactive) for Ranger.
- Abyssal Blitz, Abyssal Blot and Abyssal Raze for Revenant.
HTML Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Void Pools on Harvest Temple Combat Replay would not end when they should.