This application is used to check weather of every city around the world. Backend is supported by Django Framework and Front End using Bootstrap and HTML/CSS/JavaScript and also i use openweather to consume the API for this application. Project is created with-
- Django
- Bootstrap
- OpenWeatherMap
- Pythonanywhere
The following is a basic workflow that you can use as a quick reference for developing a Django Project.
- Within a new directory, create and activate a virtualenv.
- Install Django.
- Create your project: startproject
- Create a new app:
python startapp
- Add your app to the INSTALLED_APPS tuple.
- Map your Project’s file to the new app.
- In your App directory, create a file to define your App’s URLs.
- Add views, associated with the URLs, in your App’s; make sure they return a HttpResponse object. Depending on the situation, you may also need to query the model (database) to get the required data back requested by the end user.
- Create a templates and static directory within your project root.
- Update to include the paths to your templates.
- Add a template (HTML file) to the templates directory. Within that file, you can include the static file with -
{% load static %}
- Update the file as necessary.
- Update the database engine to (if necessary, as it defaults to SQLite).
- Create and apply a new migration.
- Create a super user.
- Add an file in each App that you want access to in the Admin.
- Create your models for each App.
- Create and apply a new migration. (Do this whenever you make any change to a model).
- Create a file at the App to define form-related classes; define your ModelForm classes here.
- Add or update a view for handling the form logic - e.g., displaying the form, saving the form data, alerting the user about validation errors, etc.
- Add or update a template to display the form.
- Add a urlpattern in the App’s file for the new view.
- Create a UserForm
- Add a view for creating a new user.
- Add a template to display the form.
- Add a urlpattern for the new view.
- Add a view for handling user credentials.
- Create a template to display a login form.
- Add a urlpattern for the new view.
- Find the common parts of each page (i.e., header, sidebar, footer).
- Add these parts to a base template
- Create specific. templates that inherent from the base template.
- Copy the project seperately
- Go to 'Getting Started on Heroku with Python'
- Create an Heroku account
- install pipenv
- Install git ( check git --version)
- Install Heroku CLI
- Login heroku
- Create a virtual enviroment
- Run not gonna run - pip freeze nothing installing
- Check which version django,requests you have and install it
- Run and then stop it
- Go to django heroku
- Create a Procfile and
- Install django-heroku
- Add stuff to file
- Install guincorn
- pip freeze > requirements.txt
- heroku create (to create an app on heroku)
- git status git commands (git push heroku master)
- Open up the website
- Admin panel not working. heroku run bash. Migrations
Created By: Ayush Gupta
Gmail: [email protected]