=====Spring Boot Job Portal Project Description =====
This project is a web-based job portal application developed using Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, and Thymeleaf. The application provides functionality for job seekers and recruiters to interact on a job search platform.
For Recruiters:
- Create and Post Jobs: Recruiters can create new job posts to attract job candidates.
- View Posted Jobs: Access a list of all job posts created by the recruiter.
- Manage Candidates: View the list of candidates who have applied for specific jobs.
- Edit Profile: Update profile information, including uploading a profile photo.
For Job Candidates:
- Job Search: Browse and search for available job listings.
- Apply for Jobs: Submit applications for jobs posted on the platform.
- Application Management: View the list of jobs that the candidate has applied to.
- Edit Profile: Update personal information and upload a resumé/CV.
Common Features:
- User Registration: Register as either a recruiter or job candidate.
- Login/Logout: Secure login and logout functionality for all users.
- Java: Prior experience with Java is recommended.
- Spring Boot: Knowledge of Spring Boot for building applications.
- JPA / Hibernate: Familiarity with ORM tools for managing database entities.
- Thymeleaf / HTML: Basic understanding of Thymeleaf for server-side rendering.
- Maven: For dependency management.
Development Environment============>
To set up the development environment, the following tools are recommended:
- IDE: IntelliJ or Eclipse.
- Database: MySQL Database Server and MySQL Workbench.
Project Architecture===> The application follows a standard Spring Boot MVC architecture:
- Controller Layer: Handles web requests.
- Service Layer: Implements business logic.
- Repository Layer: Accesses and manages the database.
- View Layer: Utilizes Thymeleaf templates for UI rendering.
Database Entities =================>
Key database entities include:
- JobCompany: Company information.
- JobPostActivity: Details of each job post.
- JobSeekerProfile: Candidate profile details.
- RecruiterProfile: Recruiter profile details.
- Skills: Skills associated with candidates.
Getting Started ================>
- Set Up Database
- Create a MySQL user and database for the application.
- Import the provided SQL scripts for initial setup.
- Build and Run the Application Use Maven to build the project:
Copy code mvn clean install
Then, run the application:
Copy code mvn spring-boot:run
- Access the Application Once the application is running, access it through a web browser at: http://localhost:8080
Contributing ================>
Feel free to contribute by reporting issues or submitting pull requests.