C#– Create,Read,Update,Delete
Ayesha Fatima
Create an application will maintain a dataset of items and allow the user to manipulate that dataset. (i.e. Create,Read,Update and Delete)
- Allow the user to input data of your choice (names, numbers, etc).
- Store the data that was entered in an array of length 10.
- Allow the user to print out the currently stored data.
- Continue to allow the user to enter data until the array is full, and keep the program loop running until exited with a sentinel value.
Add Logic: Obtained from Source:https://github.com/TECHCareers-by-Manpower/OddEvenSorter/blob/master/Program.cs Reason for Including :I understood how the code works and was implemeted by Instructor:James in class which ran without throwing errors,it would be better to use a proven version than to write my own.
Other references referred:
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19461434/how-can-i-update-and-modify-my-arrays-with-userinput
- https://github.com/TECHCareers-by-Manpower/C-Intro-Cohort-4.2/blob/3fbd0e76699382faf2307a7ff4bfe68298b21996/Program.cs
- https://www.tutorialsteacher.com/csharp/array-csharp
- https://github.com/TECHCareers-by-Manpower/C-Intro-Cohort-4.2/blob/f856dce325493fdc44b39de2dfd106b32c1451fa/Program.cs
- https://blog.submain.com/c-list-definition-examples-best-practices-pitfalls/
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.collections.generic.list-1?view=netcore-3.1
- https://github.com/TECHCareers-by-Manpower/C-Intro-Cohort-4.2/blob/f856dce325493fdc44b39de2dfd106b32c1451fa/Program.cs7