If you have improvements to the FreeSurfer code base, send us a pull request! If you'd just like to point out a bug, please open up an issue or contact the help list.
Our developers guide walks through the necessary instructions for correctly configuring and building the FreeSurfer source code. For those new to git, our GitHub guide covers some introductory topics on the suggested workflow.
Commit messages should be descriptive and prefixed by one of the following context tags:
bug fixnf:
new featuredoc:
documentation updates
So for example, a commit fixing a bug in the surface placement might be titled something along the lines of bf: fixed vertex sse computation
For significant changes (anything beyond updating documentation), discuss your proposition via git issues, the help list, or any other method of communication with LCN developers before submitting a pull request. Additionally, make sure you've read our Code of Conduct and run all appropriate unit and regression tests (successfully) as described in the build guide.
Please document your pull request with details including:
- An explanation of what you've changed... and why
- References to issues or previous discussions, where appropriate
- A summary of the tests that you've run on your branch
Thank you for contributing!