Amazon Neptune JDBC Driver Public Preview
The Amazon Neptune JDBC Driver is a JDBC 4.2 compliant driver (Java 8), which provides read-only JDBC connectivity for the Amazon Neptune service using graph query languages Gremlin, openCypher and SPARQL, as well as SQL.
When using SQL, the graph is represented in a table/columnar format and SQL queries can be executed. The driver supports a subset of SQL-92 along with some common extensions and supports SELECT statements of the general form:
SELECT [ DISTINCT ] { * | <projectItem> [, <projectItem> ]* }
FROM <tableExpression>
[ WHERE <booleanExpression> ]
[ GROUP BY { <column> [, <column> ]* } ]
[ ORDER BY { <column> [ DESC ] [, <column> [ DESC ] ]* } ]
[ LIMIT limitNumber ]
[ agg ]* [ <table>. ]* <column> [ [ AS ] columnAlias ]
The driver can be used to integrate with BI tools that support JDBC Drivers. For Tableau Desktop users a connector is available to use.