1. first-task - v1.0
2. second-task - v2.0
To run application you need to configure database (Postgres) by the following steps.
1. Open File **application-dev.yml** (/src/main/resources)
2. Update url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/**postgres**
3. Update username: **postgres**
4. Update password: **awais2075**
Note: Application will run on **port: 8082** and **context-path: /metar/v1.x**
you can change by editing file **application.yml** (src/main/resources)
To access documentation you can open
url http://localhost:8082/metar/v2.0/api-docs in your browser
**port: 8082**
**context-path: /metar/v2.0**
Project contains a file **automate-metar.sh** in directory **scripts**
The following steps are required to run this script in crontab
1. open crontab (crontab -e)
2. add the following line in file
*/10 * * * * bash /file-path/automate-metar.sh
means this script will run after every 10 mintues.
3. change **BASE_URL** value according to your project path
Note: jq and curl packages are required
to run this script on your linux machine
jq: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
curl: https://curl.se/