A script for selecting sequences enriched with k-mers from a sequence set.
- Python 3
- NumPy
- Pandas
- SciPy
- Matplotlib (for charting)
- Seaborn (for charting)
- BioPython
Command syntax:
extract_topk.py [-h] [--fastq fastq] [--out fasta] [-d] [--sample N] [-k K] [-a P] [-b P] [-n N] [-f F] [--prefix sequence] [--suffix sequence] [-i] [--chart svg/png/etc] [--title TITLE] [--seed SEED] [-v]
Finds top unique sequences by their highest k-mer enrichment for further motif discovery. The script does NOT support ambiguous IUPAC codes (ATGC only).
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--fastq fastq input fastq file (default: stdin)
--out fasta output fasta file (default: stdout)
-d, --dinucl use dinucleotide shuffling instead of mononucleotide
--sample N size of sequence subset to analyze (default: 0 [no sampling])
-k K length of a k-mer (default: 4)
-a P, --alpha P quantile level of 'baseline' sequences [0 to 1) or the number
of non-baseline sequences (1, 2, ...) (default: 100'000).
'Single-hit' sequences are always excluded.
-b P, --beta P threshold 'baseline' level for 'non-baseline' [0 to 1) or
the number of non-baseline sequences (1, 2, ...) (default: 0.99)
-n N length of N-flank to be added (default: 0)
-f F length of non-N-flank to be added. If either prefix or suffix
are shorter than F, N-flanks are extended to match the length.
To avoid this, use default F (-1), the flanks will be added as-is.
--prefix sequence prefix sequence. Only the last F letters are prepended to
the output, unless F is not -1.
--suffix sequence suffix sequence. Only the first F letters are appended to
the output, unless F is not -1.
-i, --noinvert don't summarize counts of the reverse-complement k-mers in the score
--chart svg/png/etc trace an enrichment-relevance chart (optional)
--title TITLE use custom title for the chart (used only when the parameter
--chart is specified)
--seed SEED seed for RNG (default: 13)
-v, --verbose verbose output
cat selex_cycle4.fastq.gz | extract_topk.py -v > kmer_ext.fasta 2> k-mer_ext.log
extract_topk.py --fastq selex_cycle4.fastq --out kmer_ext.fasta
extract_topk.py --fastq selex_cycle4.fastq --out kmer_ext.fasta -k 5 --chart selex_cycle4_5mers.png --title "Cycle 4 5-mer enrichment"
extract_topk.py --fastq selex_cycle4.fastq.gz --out lo-fi_kmer_ext.fasta -a 0.8 -b 0.8
extract_topk.py --fastq selex_cycle4.fastq.gz --out flanked_kmer_ext.fasta -n 5 -f 3 --prefix TGACTA --suffix AAGATC
This script was used for motif analysis of HT-SELEX data for HOCOMOCO 12 database. Please cite:
HOCOMOCO in 2024: a rebuild of the curated collection of binding models for human and mouse transcription factors
Ilya E Vorontsov, Irina A Eliseeva, Arsenii Zinkevich, Mikhail Nikonov, Sergey Abramov, Alexandr Boytsov, Vasily Kamenets, Alexandra Kasianova, Semyon Kolmykov, Ivan S Yevshin, Alexander Favorov, Yulia A Medvedeva, Arttu Jolma, Fedor Kolpakov, Vsevolod J Makeev, Ivan V Kulakovskiy
Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 52, Issue D1, 5 January 2024, Pages D154–D163
doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad1077
The algorithm was initially proposed by Philipp Bucher, and the further modifications and changes were proposed by Ivan Kulakovskii and Arsenii Zinkevich. The final script was written by Arsenii Zinkevich.