- CJ Jessett - cjessett
- Tom Ho - TomHoDev
- Kimberly Patton - kimberlypatton
This API is used in conjunction with Ride-Along-UI to connect users to carpool.
Users can post rides that they provide or join a ride that is near them.
To install the app to your local computer run
git clone https://github.com/TomHoDev/ride-along
Switch into the app directory
cd /ride-along
Install the necessary gems
bundle install
Create and migrate your database
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
Optionally, you can seed the database with
rake db:seed
Start the server
rails s
You can build your own front end that uses the api. Endpoint examples to come...
Pull down the font end UI. Ride-Along-UI
###Coming Features Improve ride searching function by adding geolocation