Based on Selenium-cucumber: Automation Testing Using Java Automation test framework and automated tests for regression and acceptance testing of chpl website.
- Eclipse - IDE
- Maven - Dependency Management
- Selenium Webdriver - Java
- Cucumber - Gherkin
- TestNG
- RestAssured
- Java
- Maven
- Eclipse
- Eclipse Plugins
- Cucumber
- Chromedriver
- Install Java and set path
- Install Maven and set path - Maven:
- Install Maven plugin in eclipse
- Install cucumber plugin in eclipse
- Clone this repository:
- Install chromedriver and set it on your PATH
- Install Geckodriver and set it on your PATH
- Set up browser in file in which you want to run test Options: chrome, firefox, edge
The cucumber features go in the src/test/resources/Features directory and should have the ".feature" extension.
Each test in feature has code in related StepDefinition and is 'glued' together using runner class.
To run cucumber tests open a command prompt go to project directory where the project is saved and run command
mvn test
Options can be used to tweak the functionality of the tests. They're used with the flag -D
, as, for example -Durl="http://localhost:3000/"
option name | default value | reason |
url | http://localhost:3000/ | URL to run tests against |
apikey | no default; if a test needs an API Key and one is not specified it will fail | API Key to use with rest calls |
downloadPath | temporary directory, or if that fails user.dir /target/download-files |
Directory where files are downloaded |
roleAdminUsername | no default; if a test needs an admin username and one is not specified it will fail | Admin User to log in as |
roleAdminPassword | no default; if a test needs an admin password and one is not specified it will fail | Admin Password to use |
roleOncUsername | no default; if a test needs an ONC username and one is not specified it will fail | ONC User to log in as |
roleOncPassword | no default; if a test needs an ONC password and one is not specified it will fail | ONC Password to use |
roleAcbUsername | no default; if a test needs an ACB username and one is not specified it will fail | ACB User to log in as |
roleAcbPassword | no default; if a test needs an ACB password and one is not specified it will fail | ACB Password to use |
To run only a single feature file, run the command
mvn test -Dcucumber.options="src/test/resources/Features/UI OR API/filename.feature"
If your console does not support color, enable monochrome with:
mvn test -Dcucumber.options="-m"
To only run Features with specific tags:
mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @runThis"
To not run some Features by tag:
mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags ~@ignore"
All together
mvn test -Dcucumber.options="-m --tags @runThis --tags ~@ignore"
To run UI Regression test
mvn test -Dcucumber.options="-m "--tag @Regression"
To run API Regression test
mvn test -Dcucumber.options="-m "--tag @RegressionAPI"
@Regression: for UI regression test @RegressionAPI: for API regression test
@Before and @After hooks will be ignoring @RegressionAPI tag.