Node Fluent API to query Salesforce using Salesforce REST API.
This is a very initial work towards the development of a fluent API to enable you to query your Salesforce Organization.
For now you can Authenticate and Authorize against your Salesforce organization using the OAuth2 username-password flow.
This basically means that you will have to have a known username and password, and all subsequent requests will be made using the returned access token.
You will also need to create/configure a Connected App in your Salesforce organization in order to have access to a Consumer Key and a Client Secret.
var sfnode = require('./lib/sfnode');
var AuthOptions = require('./lib/AuthOptions');
var FluentQuery = require('./lib/FluentQuery');
var authOptions = new AuthOptions('password',
'your consumer key',
'your client secret',
'your username',
'your password + token')
var auth = sfnode.authenticate(authOptions)
var q = new FluentQuery.Query(data);