The following table shows a list of some common symbols
or abbreviations
and their meaning
. Please feel free to add, modify or correct this list.
Serial | Symbol/Abbreviation | Meaning |
1 | i.e. | that is or in other words |
2 | e.g. | for example |
3 | etc. | and so forth or and so on |
4 | ∅ | null pattern or empty set {} |
5 | ε | Empty |
6 | δ | Delta |
7 | γ | Gamma |
8 | ρ (Rho) | represents Environment |
9 | κ (Kappa) | represents continuation |
10 | σ (sigma - lowercase) | represents store |
11 | Σ (Sigma - uppercase) | represents State type of machine |
12 | ς (varsigma) | refers to State |
13 | := | Left hand side (LHS) is being defined to be what is on the Right hand side (RHS) |
14 | ∈ | in or is an element of , for example, X ∈ R , means X is an element of R |
15 | ∋ | such that |
16 | ∃ | there exists |
17 | ∀ | for all |
18 | ≡ | identical to, indicating equivalence of two different things |
19 | ≜ | delta over equals, occasionally used to define a new variable or function |
20 | ::= | is defined as |
21 | ℕ (Double-Struck Capital N) | used to denote the set of all natural numbers, (0 to infinity) |
22 | ℤ | Represents the set of integers {. . . , −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .} |
23 | ⊆ | read as is a subset of |
24 | ⊂ | read as is a proper subset of |
25 | ∪ | union |
26 | iff | read as if and only if |
27 | ⇐⇒ | read as if and only if |
28 | ⇝ | transitions/leads to. In solving a problem, it denotes the next step is |
29 | ⇓ | evaluates to/turns into/returns (for Big Step semantics) |
30 | → | evaluates to/turns into/returns (for Small Step semantics) |
31 | ⇒ | logically implies that |
32 | ∧ | and / conjunction |
33 | ∨ | or / disjunction |
34 | ⊢ | for example, P ⊢ Q , read as, From P, we can conclude Q , or P entails Q |
35 | : | For example, v:V1 , means, term v has type V1 |
36 | ∴ | therefore |
37 | ∎ or □ | Used to denote the end of a proof |