In this project, I tried to write a basic lexer and parser in Racket
for arithmetic expression, which can take an arbitrary expression, and keeping the operator precedence in mind, can print the output in LISP and INFIX notation.
I followed the below-mentioned EBNF
grammar to code this up,
; --
; expr : term [(+ | -) term]*
; term : factor [(* | /) factor]*
; factor : exponent [^ factor]*
; exponent : Number | LP expr RP
; --
Let's say the expression is, 1 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 2
, the output will be:
in LISP notation : `(- (+ 1 (* 2 3)) (/ 4 2))`
in INFIX notation : `((1 + (2 * 3)) - (4 / 2))`
(define case-0 "1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5")
(define case-1 "1 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 2")
(define case-2 "(1+2)*2*6/2-2^2^3-1")
(define case-3 "2 + 3 * (10.5 / (9 / (3.3 + 1) - 1)) / (2 + 3) - (5) - 3 + 8")
(define case-4 "((2 + 3 * (10.5 / (9 / (3.3 + 1) - 1))) / (2 + 3)) - ((5) - 3 + 8)")
(define case-5 "(2 + 3 * 10.5 / (9 / (3.3 + 1) - 1) / (2 + 3) - 5 - 3 + 8")
(define case-6 "1 - 2 * 3")
-----------Lisp Style------------
'(+ (+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4) 5)
'(- (+ 1 (* 2 3)) (/ 4 2))
'(- (- (/ (* (* (+ 1 2) 2) 6) 2) (expt 2 (expt 2 3))) 1)
'(+ (- (- (+ 2 (/ (* 3 (/ 10.5 (- (/ 9 (+ 3.3 1)) 1))) (+ 2 3))) 5) 3) 8)
'(- (/ (+ 2 (* 3 (/ 10.5 (- (/ 9 (+ 3.3 1)) 1)))) (+ 2 3)) (+ (- 5 3) 8))
'(+ (- (- (+ 2 (/ (/ (* 3 10.5) (- (/ 9 (+ 3.3 1)) 1)) (+ 2 3))) 5) 3) 8)
'(- 1 (* 2 3))
-----------Infix Style------------
'((((1 + 2) + 3) + 4) + 5)
'((1 + (2 * 3)) - (4 / 2))
'((((((1 + 2) * 2) * 6) / 2) - (2 expt (2 expt 3))) - 1)
'((((2 + ((3 * (10.5 / ((9 / (3.3 + 1)) - 1))) / (2 + 3))) - 5) - 3) + 8)
'(((2 + (3 * (10.5 / ((9 / (3.3 + 1)) - 1)))) / (2 + 3)) - ((5 - 3) + 8))
'((((2 + (((3 * 10.5) / ((9 / (3.3 + 1)) - 1)) / (2 + 3))) - 5) - 3) + 8)
'(1 - (2 * 3)
To run the test cases, open the test.rkt
The print-ast
helper function by default prints in LISP
notation. So, to print in INFIX
notation, simply pass infix
as an argument to the print-ast
function, like below:
(print-ast (parse (open-input-string case-0)) "infix")