This script provides a simple way to run Metabase on NGINX.
You can find detailed instructions on how to get going in this blog post:
This is the first script you need to run. It will use docker-compose to set up an NGINX proxy server and a Metabase server.
is the script to stop the containers.
This the script that creates and renews an SSL certificate with let's encrypt.
Let's encrypt expires every 3 months, so you need to renew it. The easiest way is to automate the process:
Add the following to your cron (replace with your install location):
30 03 01 Sep,Nov,Jan,Mar,May,Jul * /location/to/your/script/metabase/ & > /dev/null
This 👆 will run the script every two months.
The commands are:
crontab -e
paste the above line, and save.
You can check if it saved properly by running:
crontab -l
, you should see the scheduled job.