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perl-compatible extensions lists in
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There are tests that read and expect module lists
in the Configure format.

To work around this, there are two copies for some of the lists
now: one (dynamic_ext) perl-compatible for configpm and test and
whatever else may need it, and another one (fullpath_dynamic_ext)
with proper directory names for use in Makefiles.

Since we're back to the perl format now, configpm patch can be
dropped for all perl versions.
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arsv committed Jan 10, 2020
1 parent 294a2b0 commit f280b9e
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Showing 30 changed files with 97 additions and 275 deletions.
72 changes: 43 additions & 29 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,22 +30,18 @@ src += $(mallocsrc)

obj = $(patsubst %.c,%$o,$(wildcard $(src)))

static_tgt = $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(static_ext))
dynamic_tgt = $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(dynamic_ext))
nonxs_tgt = $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(nonxs_ext))
disabled_dynamic_tgt = $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(disabled_dynamic_ext))
disabled_nonxs_tgt = $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(disabled_nonxs_ext))
static_modules = $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(fullpath_static_ext))
dynamic_modules = $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(fullpath_dynamic_ext))
nonxs_modules = $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(fullpath_nonxs_ext))
disabled_dynamic = $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(disabled_dynamic_ext))
disabled_nonxs = $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(disabled_nonxs_ext))
# perl module names for static mods
static_pmn = $(shell for e in $(static_ext) ; do grep '^NAME =' $$e/Makefile | cut -d' ' -f3 ; done)
static_pmn = $(shell for e in $(fullpath_static_ext) ; do grep '^NAME =' $$e/Makefile | cut -d' ' -f3 ; done)

dynaloader_o = $(patsubst %,%$o,$(dynaloader))

ext = $(nonxs_ext) $(dynamic_ext) $(static_ext)
tgt = $(nonxs_tgt) $(dynamic_tgt) $(static_tgt)
disabled_ext = $(disabled_nonxs_ext) $(disabled_dynamic_ext)

ext_makefiles = $(patsubst %,%/Makefile,$(ext))
disabled_ext_makefiles = $(pathsubst %,%/Makefile,$(disabled_ext))
modules = $(fullpath_nonxs_ext) $(fullpath_dynamic_ext) $(fullpath_static_ext)
disabled = $(disabled_nonxs_ext) $(disabled_dynamic_ext)

# ---[ perl-cross patches ]-----------------------------------------------------
# Note: the files are patched in-place, and so do not make valid make-rules
Expand All @@ -54,6 +50,8 @@ disabled_ext_makefiles = $(pathsubst %,%/Makefile,$(disabled_ext))
CROSSPATCHES = $(shell find cnf/diffs/$(patchset) -name '*.patch')
CROSSPATCHED = $(patsubst %.patch,%.applied,$(CROSSPATCHES))

.PHONY: crosspatch

crosspatch: $(CROSSPATCHED)

# A minor fix for buildroot, force crosspatching when running "make perl modules"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,7 +216,7 @@ lib/ | miniperl$X
# The rules below replace make_ext script used in the original
# perl build chain. Some host-specific functionality is lost.
# Check miniperl_top to see how it works.
$(nonxs_tgt) $(disabled_nonxs_tgt): %/pm_to_blib: | %/Makefile
$(nonxs_modules) $(disabled_nonxs): %/pm_to_blib: | %/Makefile
$(MAKE) -C $(dir $@) all PERL_CORE=1 LIBPERL=$(LIBPERL)

DynaLoader$o: | ext/DynaLoader/pm_to_blib
Expand All @@ -230,17 +228,19 @@ ext/DynaLoader/pm_to_blib: %/pm_to_blib: | %/Makefile

ext/DynaLoader/Makefile: config.h | dist/lib/pm_to_blib

$(static_tgt): %/pm_to_blib: | %/Makefile $(nonxs_tgt)
$(static_modules): %/pm_to_blib: | %/Makefile $(nonxs_tgt)
$(MAKE) -C $(dir $@) all PERL_CORE=1 LIBPERL=$(LIBPERL) LINKTYPE=static static

$(dynamic_tgt) $(disabled_dynamic_tgt): %/pm_to_blib: | %/Makefile
$(dynamic_modules) $(disabled_dynamic): %/pm_to_blib: | %/Makefile
$(MAKE) -C $(dir $@) all PERL_CORE=1 LIBPERL=$(LIBPERL) LINKTYPE=dynamic

lib/ ext/re/
cp -f ext/re/ lib/

lib/ dist/lib/pm_to_blib

.PHONY: preplibrary

preplibrary: $(CONFIGPM) | miniperl$X lib/ lib/

dist/lib/Makefile: dist/lib/Makefile.PL cflags config.h $(CONFIGPM) | miniperl$X
Expand All @@ -255,12 +255,15 @@ dist/lib/Makefile: dist/lib/Makefile.PL cflags config.h $(CONFIGPM) | miniperl$X
PERL_CORE=1 LIBPERL_A=$(LIBPERL) PERL="$(top)miniperl_top"

# Allow building modules by typing "make cpan/Module-Name"
$(static_ext) $(dynamic_ext) $(nonxs_ext) $(disabled_dynamic_ext) $(disabled_nonxs_ext): %: %/pm_to_blib
.PHONY: $(modules) $(disabled)
$(modules) $(disabled): %: %/pm_to_blib

.PHONY: nonxs_ext dynamic_ext static_ext extensions modules

nonxs_ext: $(nonxs_tgt)
dynamic_ext: $(dynamic_tgt)
static_ext: $(static_tgt)
extensions: cflags $(nonxs_tgt) $(dynamic_tgt) $(static_tgt)
nonxs_ext: $(nonxs_modules)
dynamic_ext: $(dynamic_modules)
static_ext: $(static_modules)
extensions: cflags nonxs_ext dynamic_ext static_ext
modules: extensions

# Some things needed to make modules
Expand All @@ -270,10 +273,12 @@ modules: extensions
cflags: cflags.SH
sh $<

.PHONY: makeppport

makeppport: $(CONFIGPM) | miniperl$X
./miniper_top mkppport

makefiles: $(ext:pm_to_blib=Makefile)
makefiles: $(patsubst %,%/Makefile,$(modules))

dynaloader: $(dynaloader_o)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,25 +327,29 @@ ext/Pod-Functions/pm_to_blib: | cpan/Pod-Simple/pm_to_blib

cpan/Pod-Simple/pm_to_blib: | cpan/Pod-Escapes/pm_to_blib

$(dynamic_tgt): | dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/pm_to_blib
$(dynamic_modules): | dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/pm_to_blib

dist/ExtUtils-CBuilder/pm_to_blib: | cpan/Perl-OSType/pm_to_blib cpan/Text-ParseWords/pm_to_blib

# ---[ modules cleanup & rebuilding ] ------------------------------------------

.PHONY: modules-reset modules-makefiles modules-clean

$(if $(nonxs_ext), rm -f $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(nonxs_ext)))
$(if $(static_ext), rm -f $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(static_ext)))
$(if $(dynamic_ext), rm -f $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(dynamic_ext)))
$(if $(disabled_nonxs_ext), rm -f $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(disabled_nonxs_ext)))
$(if $(disabled_dynamic_ext), rm -f $(patsubst %,%/pm_to_blib,$(disabled_dynamic_ext)))
$(if $(nonxs_modules), rm -f $(nonxs_modules))
$(if $(static_modules), rm -f $(static_modules))
$(if $(dynamic_modules), rm -f $(dynamic_modules))
$(if $(disabled_nonxs), rm -f $(disabled_nonxs))
$(if $(disabled_dynamic), rm -f $(disabled_dynamic))

modules-makefiles: $(ext_makefiles)
modules-makefiles: makefiles

modules-clean: clean-modules

# ---[ Misc ]-------------------------------------------------------------------

.PHONY: utilities

utilities: miniperl$X $(CONFIGPM)
$(MAKE) -C utils all

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,7 +458,12 @@ clean-subdirs:

# assuming modules w/o Makefiles were never built and need no cleaning
clean-modules: config.h
@for i in $(ext) $(disabled_ext); do test -f $$i/Makefile && touch $$i/Makefile && $(MAKE) -C $$i clean || true; done
@for i in $(modules disabled); do \
test -f $$i/Makefile && \
touch $$i/Makefile && \
$(MAKE) -C $$i clean \
|| true; \

-rm -f uudmap.h opmini.c generate_uudmap$X bitcount.h $(CONFIGPM)
Expand Down
13 changes: 4 additions & 9 deletions Makefile.config.SH
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ if [ ! -f ]; then
exit -1


. ./
true > Makefile.config
if [ "$usecrosscompile" = 'define' ]; then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,17 +136,14 @@ LNS = $lns
archlib = $archlib
dynamic_ext = $dynamic_ext
static_ext = $static_ext
nonxs_ext = $nonxs_ext
fullpath_dynamic_ext = $fullpath_dynamic_ext
fullpath_static_ext = $fullpath_static_ext
fullpath_nonxs_ext = $fullpath_nonxs_ext
if [ "$disabledmods" = 'define' ]; then
cat >> Makefile.config << END

echo >> Makefile.config
Expand Down
86 changes: 50 additions & 36 deletions cnf/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,22 @@
# In-tree perl modules discovery.

# Some of the tests use $Config{'extensions'} to decide whether to do their
# thing or not. The original Configure uses weird old format for module names,
# "File/Glob" for what should have been either File::Glob or ext/File-Glob.
# We have to keep those for compatibility, but we also need directory names
# to use in makefiles. The code below builds both kinds of module lists at
# once, the perl-compatible set (extensions, known_extensions, static_ext etc)
# and the set the Makefiles will use (fullpath_*_ext and disabled_*_ext).

test "$mode" = 'buildmini' && return

# See also: modsymname in

modvarname() {
echo "$1" | sed -r -e 's!^(ext|cpan|dist|lib)/!!' -e 's!-!/!g'

# Since 5.10.1 the module dirs are flat, so there's no need
# for recursive search etc.
extdir() {
Expand All @@ -20,54 +35,65 @@ extdir() {

extadddisabled() {
if [ "$1" = "xs" ]; then
disabled_dynamic_ext="$disabled_dynamic_ext$2 "
disabled_nonxs_ext="$disabled_nonxs_ext$2 "

extadd() {
s=`modsymname "$2"`
n=`modvarname "$2"`

if [ "$s" = "dynaloader" ]; then
msg " skipping $2"
known_extensions="$known_extensions$2 "

known_extensions="$known_extensions$n "

getenv o "only_$s"
if [ -n "$onlyext" -a -z "$o" ]; then
msg " skipping $2"
extadddisabled "$1" "$2"

getenv d "disable_$s"
if [ -n "$d" -a "$d" != "0" ]; then
msg " disabled $2"
extadddisabled "$1" "$2"

extensions="$extensions$n "

getenv t "static_$s"
if [ "$1" = "xs" -a -n "$t" -a "$t" != "0" ]; then
msg " static $2"
static_ext="$static_ext$2 "
static_ext="$static_ext$n "
fullpath_static_ext="$fullpath_static_ext$2 "
elif [ "$1" = "xs" -a -n "$allstatic" ]; then
msg " static $2"
static_ext="$static_ext$2 "
static_ext="$static_ext$n "
fullpath_static_ext="$fullpath_static_ext$2 "
elif [ "$1" = "xs" ]; then
msg " dynamic $2"
dynamic_ext="$dynamic_ext$2 "
dynamic_ext="$dynamic_ext$n "
fullpath_dynamic_ext="$fullpath_dynamic_ext$2 "
msg " non-xs $2"
nonxs_ext="$nonxs_ext$2 "
nonxs_ext="$nonxs_ext$n "
fullpath_nonxs_ext="$fullpath_nonxs_ext$2 "
# See also: findext.patch
if [ "$2" = "cpan/Scalar-List-Utils" ]; then
shadow_ext="${shadow_ext}cpan/List-Util "

extadddisabled() {
s=`modsymname "$2"`
if [ "$1" = "xs" ]; then
disabled_dynamic_ext="$disabled_dynamic_ext$2 "
disabled_nonxs_ext="$disabled_nonxs_ext$2 "

extonlyif() {
m="$1"; shift
s=`modsymname "$m"`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,11 +143,10 @@ extonlyif Win32CORE "$osname" = 'win32'

extonlyif Thread "$usethreads" = 'define'

unset extensions known_extensions
unset nonxs_ext static_ext dynamic_ext shadow_ext
unset fullpath_nonxs_ext fullpath_dynamic_ext fullpath_static_ext
unset disabled_nonxs_ext disabled_dynamic_ext

for d in ext cpan dist; do
msg "Looking for extensions recursively under $d/"
Expand All @@ -138,22 +163,11 @@ definetrimspaces nonxs_ext "$nonxs_ext"
definetrimspaces dynamic_ext "$dynamic_ext"
definetrimspaces known_extensions "$known_extensions"

# Unless the user explictily asks us not to do it,
# allow building disabled mods with "make cpan/Some-Module"
# This only affects perl-cross Makefile via Makefile.config

if [ "$disabledmods" != 'define' ]; then
define disabledmods 'define'
definetrimspaces disabled_dynamic_ext "$disabled_dynamic_ext"
definetrimspaces disabled_nonxs_ext "$disabled_nonxs_ext"
definetrimspaces fullpath_static_ext "$fullpath_static_ext"
definetrimspaces fullpath_nonxs_ext "$fullpath_nonxs_ext"
definetrimspaces fullpath_dynamic_ext "$fullpath_dynamic_ext"

# Some of the tests use $Config{'extensions'} to decide whether to do their
# thing or not. The original Configure uses weird old format for module names,
# "File/Glob" for what should have been either File::Glob or ext/File-Glob.
# perl-cross keeps full directory names in ${...}_ext and $extensions,
# and does the conversion in configpm. This keeps things simple when writing
# Makefiles, and does not break tests later.
definetrimspaces disabled_dynamic_ext "$disabled_dynamic_ext"
definetrimspaces disabled_nonxs_ext "$disabled_nonxs_ext"

definetrimspaces extensions "$static_ext $dynamic_ext $nonxs_ext $shadow_ext"
definetrimspaces extensions "$extensions"
30 changes: 0 additions & 30 deletions cnf/diffs/cperl-5.24.0/configpm.patch

This file was deleted.

30 changes: 0 additions & 30 deletions cnf/diffs/cperl-5.24.1/configpm.patch

This file was deleted.


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