A simple interactive script that sets up a Wireguard VPN server with Adguard, Unbound and DNSCrypt-Proxy on your VPS of choice, and lets you manage the config files using a simple WebUI protected by two-factor-authentication.
wget https://notthebe.ee/vpn -O bootstrap.sh && bash bootstrap.sh
- Wireguard WebUI (via wg-easy)
- Two-factor authentication for the WebUI (Authelia)
- Hardened web server (Bunkerweb)
- ✨ new! Optional DNS-over-HTTPS and hosts-based ad-blocking (Adguard, Unbound and DNSCrypt-Proxy)
- UFW and Fail2Ban
- Automated and unattended upgrades
- SSH hardening
- SSH public key pair generation (optional, you can also use your own keys)
- E-mail notifications (using an external SMTP server e.g. GMail)
- A KVM-based VPS (or an AWS EC2 instance) with a dedicated IPv4 address
- Ubuntu Server 20.04/22.04 or Debian 11
Q: I've run the playbook succesfully, but now I want to change the domain name/username/password. How can I do that?
A: Edit the variable files, install dependencies for the new user and re-run the playbook:
cd $HOME/ansible-easy-vpn
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
nano custom.yml
ansible-vault edit secret.yml
ansible-playbook run.yml
Q: I get a "Secure connection failed" error when trying to access the Wireguard WebUI in the browser
A: This usually means that Let's Encrypt has failed to generate the certificates for your domain name.
There are a few reasons why that might happen:
- Firewall misconfiguration (are the ports 80 and 443 open?)
- The server is behind NAT (make sure that the ports 80 and 443 are port-forwarded to the server's internal IP on the router)
- Let's Encrypt has time-limited your domain name (try a different domain name)
Check the Bunkerweb logs for more details:
docker logs bunkerweb
You can use the commands from the previous answer to change your domain name.
Q: I get "500 Internal Server Error" when trying to access the Wireguard WebUI in the browser
A: Most likely, you chose to configure the e-mail functionality, but entered wrong SMTP credentials. Check out Authelia logs for details:
docker logs authelia
You can either disable e-mail functionality entirely, by removing the email_password
variable from secret.yml
, or enter the correct SMTP credentials. In both cases, you'll need to re-run the playbook after the changes have been made:
cd $HOME/ansible-easy-vpn
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-vault edit secret.yml
ansible-playbook run.yml
Q: My SMTP credentials are correct, but I still get the HTTP 500 error, and the Authelia logs show an "i/o timeout" error
A: This error message indicates that your VPS provider is blocking the SMTP ports (465/25).
error dialing the SMTP server: dial tcp: lookup smtp.example.com: i/o timeout"
Ask the provider to unblock the ports or disable the e-mail functionality by removing the email_password
line from secret.yml and re-run the playbook:
cd $HOME/ansible-easy-vpn
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-vault edit secret.yml
ansible-playbook run.yml
Q: I'd like to completely automate the process of setting up the VPN on my machines. How can I do that?
- Fork this repository
- Fill out the
files, either by running thebootstrap.sh
script, or editing the files manually - Remove
from .gitignore - Commit and push the changes
Consider making your repository private. Even though the Vault file is encrypted, it might be unsafe to make it publicly accessible.
Q: I can't copy the SSH key to my Windows machine
A: On Windows, you might need to create the C:\Users\<username>\.ssh
folder manually before running the commands at the end of the playbook:
mkdir C:\Users\<username>\.ssh
scp -P 22 root@<server-ip-address>:/tmp/id_ssh_ed25519 C:\Users\<username>\.ssh
ssh -p 22 <username>@<server-ip-address> -i C:\Users\<username>\.ssh\id_ssh_ed25519