Original copy from https://github.com/ron1818/PhD_code/tree/master/EMD_EEMD
Need emd_eemd part
the ceemd part might directly from María Eugenia Torres, http://bioingenieria.edu.ar/grupos/ldnlys/metorres/ or Patric Flandrin.
No more support on matlab code due to no matlab license and project migration. I strongly suggest you to install the free software R and Rstudio for
r and matlab code (only on EMD/EEMD), datasets, published papers for my phd study 2011-2015
AdaBoost: adaboost functions
- adaboostM1: classification
- adaboostM2: classification
- adaboostR2: regression
- adaboostRPlus: regression
- adaboostRT: regression
- Big error margin boost: regression
CIEL2013: IEEE International Symposium of Computational Intelligence on Ensemble Learning
CIEL2014: IEEE International Symposium of Computational Intelligence on Ensemble Learning
FUZZ2013: IEEE International Symposium on Fuzzy system
JPEE2014: Journal of Power and Energy Engineering
Method: some machine learning methods
- RF
misc: some other function
- Cross validation
- Outlier
- Preprocessing
- Postprocessing
TNNLS2015: IEEE trans. neural network and learning systems
Infomation Sciences 2016: Elsevier trans.
matlab-src: some matlab code pre 2013. obsolete due to insufficient license checkout
RVFL: rvfl code for Information sciences and other projects
please refer to my_publication.bib for more details