Build with: Windows 10, Node.js v16.14.0 (Latest Node.js v16.14.2 has some issues with NPM workspaces)
npm ci
npm run postinstall
npm test
I didn't write tests for every single function, but I think I've tested the most important functionalities.
Some of tests probably are not that useful, since sometimes the same thing is tested by multiple tests, hoverer my main goal was to create various test examples, that cover various scenarios (unit/integration/e2e/components/hooks/functions).
For simplicity I export/import some examples/helpers directly between tests. They could be extracted into separate files, or be defined in 'jest.config.ts'.
# Development mode
npm run dev:frontend
# Production mode
npm run start:frontend
# Development mode
npm run dev:backend
# Production mode
npm run start:backend
✔️ Uses Next.js + React + Nest.js + SQLite + TypeORM + TypeScript + Jest + @testing-library/react.
✔️ User can do CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations on events
✔️ API payloads are validated both in front-end and in back-end
✔️ Has frontend and backend tests (unit / integration / end-to-end)
✔️ Front-end and back-end share TypeScript interfaces
✔️ Monorepo structure that makes installing and running scripts easy
✔️ Responsive UI.