ZF2 - Phing Data Migration tutorial application
Phinx Installation:
Phnix can be installed as compose packages as following
- php composer.phar require robmorgan/phinx
- initialize the phinx.yml file where I can define the production/development environment settings by using following commands vendor/bin/phinx init
- To check the all Phinx available commands vendor/bin/phinx list
Set up the Phinx environment with your current DB:
- To set up the Phinx current environment first edit the phinx.yml file in the root directory
- Change the production and development environment and file locations based on Phing file
paths: migrations: %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/migrations seeds: %%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/data-fixtures
environments: default_migration_table: data_access_migrations default_database: development production: adapter: mysql host: localhost name: production_db user: root pass: '' port: 3306 charset: utf8
adapter: mysql
host: localhost
name: migration_testing
user: root
pass: ''
port: 3306
charset: utf8
adapter: mysql
host: localhost
name: testing_db
user: root
pass: ''
port: 3306
charset: utf8