Just a simple website I did for fun :)
It showcases some information about me and my skillset.
It's very simple. Since it is only a HTML based website.
- Download the repository.
- Drag the 'index.html' file to your browser and drop it.
- Press the Enter key if necessary.
If you've got Visual Studio Code installed on your computer you can open the project folder, install the Live Server plugin and run a local server.
- The core structure of the website has been completed. Every section contains the information that is needed.
- The styles have been implemented and the desktop version runs flawlessly. Well, maybe there's still a little bit of lag.
- The mobile version of the website. I'm currently thinking of a design in order to start coding it.
- As of now the web page isn't fully responsive.
- I am also planning on implementing SASS in order to keep everything cleaner and have a better performance overall.