Playtestr is a Ruby system for generating a PDF suitable for playtesting and prototyping physical card games.
- Pull playtestr down from GitHub
- Run
bundle install
to install the gems we depend on - Run
ruby playtestr.rb
to start the script and make sure it completes successfully
A cards.yml file is used to store the contents of the cards you wish to create. You can specify the quantity in addition to information like the card name, rules text and cost. If you want to add additional properties to the cards.yml file, that's possible, but you'll need to modify the code so that it renders where and how you want it to.
After running, exported files are saved in export/
. You may wish to copy the files generated here elsewhere so they do not get rewritten.
We've recently added some command line options to give you greater control over the cards you generate:
-v | --verbose : display console output while running
-c CARDYAML | --cards CARDYAML : defaults to "import/cards.yml", the YAML file it will use for reference
-o OUTPUT | --output OUTPUT : the file to export to. Defaults to "export/rendered_XXXXXX.ext" where XXXX is the microtime and ext is the output extension (defaults to PDF)
-s CSSFILE | --stylesheet CSSFILE : The css file to use when doing HTML output, optional. Defaults to "assets/stylesheets/default.css"
# Import from a CSV file -- you can also just create your own YML manually in the /import folder
./rake import:csv[/path/to/your/csv_file.csv]
# Export all of the YMLs in /import into comparable PDFs in the /export folder
./rake export:all[pdf]
# Super basic:
# Super basic, verbose:
./playtestr.rb -v
# Custom YAML input:
./playtestr.rb -c "import/cards.yml"
# HTML output:
./playtestr.rb -o "export/foo.html"
# Super tweaked:
./playtestr.rb -v -c "/path/to/my/cards.yml" -o "/path/to/my/export/new_cards.pdf"
To add new code please:
- Fork
- Write your code
- Make sure the tests are pssing using rspec
- Submit a pull request
To report an issue or request a feature, please use our handy issue tracker
Derived from jburdeezy/playtest. Many thanks to @jburdeezy for creating it and @diachini for additional contributions.