Releases: archibalduk/EHM_Jersey_Generator
This is the fourth beta release of the EHM Jersey Generator and is near feature complete.
- Added a random seed setting allowing adjustment of the randomness of generic jersey designs based on team name;
- Added batch import options: (i) enable/disable presets and team designs, (ii) random seed value (iii) varying generic jersey layer designs;
- Added text scaling, text quality and trim colour similarity settings;
- Fixed a bug which allowed invalid characters to be used in file names, resulting in a crash;
- Fixed a bug with the header row of an import spreadsheet being processed and the final row being ignored;
- Improved name text scaling when using longer names; and
- Name text now uses the foreground colour when the trim colour is similar to the background colour (both for preset and layered jerseys).
This is the third beta release of the EHM Jersey Generator and includes a first draft of the batch jersey generation function.
- Added batch jersey generation;
- Added image quality setting (-1 = default, 0 = lowest quality, 100 = highest quality);
- Added jersey layers for the remaining NHL teams;
- Added on-the-fly updates to the jersey preview each time a different layer or preset is selected;
- Any foreground or trim layer design can be selected for any foreground or trim layer;
- Changed the default colours in the preview screen in order to provide a greater contrast against the window background; and
- Fixed invalid two-tone colours beyond an RGB value of 255 being generated.
This is the second beta release of the EHM Jersey Generator and is close to being feature complete in respect of jersey generation. The next release will focus on batch jersey generation and accommodating long names.
- Added 'extra_fonts' sub-folder into which additional fonts can be placed (.ttf format);
- Added 'jersey_presets' sub-folder into which preset jersey designs can be placed (.png format or .svg format);
- Added 'layer_foreground' and 'layer_trim' sub-folders into which additional foreground and trim layer templates can be placed (.png format albeit .svg is possible but is untested);
- Added additional freeware fonts;
- Added layer template images based on 16 NHL teams;
- Added options to enable/disable accented characters and upper case text;
- Added options to select either custom foreground and trim layers or a preset jersey image;
- Added text adjustment settings which allow the text to be repositioned and the size increased/decreased;
- Added two-tone effect to jerseys;
- Adjusted the positioning of the text; and
- Improved default jersey layer images.
This is an initial beta release of the EHM Jersey Generator and is more of a technical preview than being feature complete in any sense. Presently the only options are to set the name, jersey number and colours. It is also possible to export the image as a .png file so that it may be loaded into Eastside Hockey Manager.