Hey there, welcome to my GitHub, I'm Aravind ( /ˌaɾɛvɪnð/ ), data science undergrad @IIT Madras. I am a self taught programmer, graphic designer and a FOSS enthusiast. Here you'll find the projects i've been working on lately and sometimes other random stuff too. Have something interesting to talk about? Connect with me on linkedin. Or in case you just wanna say hi, feel free to ping me on telegram or discord.
"joined": "4 years ago",
"repos": "38",
"repos_contributed_to": "1",
"commits": "2422",
"stars": "13",
"issues": "8",
"pull_requests": "36"
- ❗️ Closed issue #4 in Tinkerhub-NSSCE/baymax
- 🎉 Merged PR #10 in Tinkerhub-NSSCE/baymax
- 💪 Opened PR #10 in Tinkerhub-NSSCE/baymax
- 🎉 Merged PR #1 in Tinkerhub-NSSCE/Wikisyllabus
- 💪 Opened PR #1 in Tinkerhub-NSSCE/Wikisyllabus
No activity tracked