This small library allows you to manipulate objects via string path. It can be used in node.js or browser or any place where javascript can be run.
npm i jsobjects --save
import { expandPath, getObjectByPath, updateObjectByPath } from 'jsobjects';
// Will use this objects to show ussage in examples
const arrstr = ['string 1', 'string 2'];
const arrobj = [
arrobjkey1: 'arrobj1key1',
'arr obj key 2': 'arr obj 1 key 2',
arrobjkey1: 'arrobj2key1',
'arr obj key 2': 'arr obj 2 key 2',
const object = {
key1: 'key1',
'key 2': 'key 2',
obj: {
objkey1: 'objkey1',
'obj key 2': 'obj key 2',
objarrstr: arrstr,
objarrobj: arrobj,
arr: [
arrkey1: 'arr1key1',
'arr key 2': 'arr 1 key 2',
arrarrstr: arrstr,
arrarrobj: arrobj,
arrkey1: 'arr2key1',
'arr key 2': 'arr 2 key 2',
arrarrstr: arrstr,
arrarrobj: arrobj,
bower install jsobjects --save
See demo in ./demo
<script src="bower_components/dist/bundle.js"></script>
// This module exposes require from browserify
var jsobjects = require('jsobjects');
// Will use this objects to show usage in examples
var arrstr = ['string 1', 'string 2'];
var arrobj = [
arrobjkey1: 'arrobj1key1',
'arr obj key 2': 'arr obj 1 key 2',
arrobjkey1: 'arrobj2key1',
'arr obj key 2': 'arr obj 2 key 2',
var object = {
key1: 'key1',
'key 2': 'key 2',
arrstr: arrstr,
arrobj: arrobj,
obj: {
objkey1: 'objkey1',
'obj key 2': 'obj key 2',
objarrstr: arrstr,
objarrobj: arrobj,
arr: [
arrkey1: 'arr1key1',
'arr key 2': 'arr 1 key 2',
arrarrstr: arrstr,
arrarrobj: arrobj,
arrkey1: 'arr2key1',
'arr key 2': 'arr 2 key 2',
arrarrstr: arrstr,
arrarrobj: arrobj,
getObjectByPath(object, path, pathReplacements, offset)
Given an object and a path or generic path, returns the value contained in the object at the specified path.
: The object to search forpath
: The path to be expanded, accepts.*
: Every*
in path will be replaced by corresponding in pathReplacements array:('arr.*.arrarrobj.*.arrkey1', [0, 1])
will be assimilated toarr.0.arrarrobj.1.arrkey1
: Number of paths to skip at the end:('arr.*.arrarrobj.*.arrkey1', [0, 1], 3)
will be assimilated toarr.0
// These statements evals to true
getObjectByPath(object, 'arr.0.arrarrobj.0.arrobjkey1') === object.arr[0].arrarrobj[0].arrobjkey1;
getObjectByPath(object, 'arr.*.arrarrobj.*.["arr obj key 2"]', [0, 1]) === object.arr[0].arrarrobj[1]['arr obj key 2'];
getObjectByPath(object, "arr.*.arrarrobj.*.['arr obj key 2']", [0, 1]) === object.arr[0].arrarrobj[1]['arr obj key 2'];
getObjectByPath(object, 'arr.*.arrarrobj.*.["arr obj key 2"]', [1, 1], 1) === object.arr[1].arrarrobj[1];
expandPath(object, path, callback)
Given an object and a generic path, returns an array with all the paths found in the object.
Complex keys (not single word) allows to be refferenced with ["name of the key"]
or ['name of the key']
: The object to search forpath
: The path to be expanded, accepts.*
: (Optional) a callback function that will be called for each entry found
expandPath(object, 'arrstr'); // will output: ['arrstr.0', 'arrstr.1'];
expandPath(object, 'arrobj.*'); // will output: ['arrstr.0', 'arrstr.1'];
expandPath(object, 'arrstr.*'); // will output: ['arrstr.0', 'arrstr.1']
expandPath(object, 'arrobj.*'); // will output: ['arrobj.0', 'arrobj.1']
expandPath(object, 'obj.objarrstr.*'); // will output: ['obj.objarrstr.0', 'obj.objarrstr.1']
expandPath(object, 'obj.objarrobj.*'); // will output: ['obj.objarrobj.0', 'obj.objarrobj.1']
expandPath(object, 'obj.objarrobj.*.arrobjkey1'); // will output: ['obj.objarrobj.0.arrobjkey1', 'obj.objarrobj.1.arrobjkey1']
expandPath(object, 'obj.objarrobj.*.["arr obj key 2"]'); // will output: ['obj.objarrobj.0.["arr obj key 2"]', 'obj.objarrobj.1.["arr obj key 2"]']
expandPath(object, 'arr.*'); // will output: ['arr.0', 'arr.1']
expandPath(object, 'arr.*.arrkey1'); // will output: ['arr.0.arrkey1', 'arr.1.arrkey1']
expandPath(object, 'arr.*.["arr key 2"]'); // will output: ['arr.0.["arr key 2"]', 'arr.1.["arr key 2"]']
expandPath(object, 'arr.*.arrarrstr'); // will output: ['arr.0.arrarrstr', 'arr.1.arrarrstr']
expandPath(object, 'arr.*.arrarrstr.*'); // will output: ['arr.0.arrarrstr.0', 'arr.0.arrarrstr.1', 'arr.1.arrarrstr.0', 'arr.1.arrarrstr.1']
expandPath(object, 'arr.*.arrarrobj.*'); // will output: ['arr.0.arrarrobj.0', 'arr.0.arrarrobj.1', 'arr.1.arrarrobj.0', 'arr.1.arrarrobj.1']
expandPath(object, 'arr.*.arrarrobj.*.arrkey1'); // will output: ['arr.0.arrarrobj.0.arrkey1', 'arr.0.arrarrobj.1.arrkey1', 'arr.1.arrarrobj.0.arrkey1', 'arr.1.arrarrobj.1.arrkey1']
expandPath(object, 'arr.*.arrarrobj.*.["arr key 2"]'); // will output: ['arr.0.arrarrobj.0.["arr key 2"]', 'arr.0.arrarrobj.1.["arr key 2"]', 'arr.1.arrarrobj.0.["arr key 2"]', 'arr.1.arrarrobj["arr key 2"]']));
expandPath(object); // will output: []
expandPath(object, ''); // will output: []
expandPath(object, 'unexistingkey'); // will output: []
expandPath(object, 'unexistingkey.*'); // will output: []
expandPath(object, 'arr.*.unexistingkey'); // will output: ['arr.0.unexistingkey', 'arr.1.unexistingkey']
expandPath(object, 'arr.*.unexistingkey.*'); // will output: []
expandPath(object, 'arr.*.arrarrstr', cb); // will output: ['arr.0.arrarrstr', 'arr.1.arrarrstr']
// cb function will be called twice with the followint arguments:
// First call: cb('arr.0.arrarrstr', ['string 1', 'string 2'])
// Second call: cb('arr.1.arrarrstr', ['string 1', 'string 2'])
updateObjectByPath(object, path, newValue, pathReplacements)
Update the object at a given path with a specified value.
: The object to search forpath
: The path to be expanded, accepts.*
: The new value to be assignedpathReplacements
: Every*
in path will be replaced by corresponding in pathReplacements array:('arr.*.arrarrobj.*.arrkey1', [0, 1])
will be assimilated toarr.0.arrarrobj.1.arrkey1
updateObjectByPath(object, 'arrobj.*.arrobjkey1', 'new value', [1]);
// This statement evals to true
getObjectByPath(object, 'arrobj.*.arrobjkey1', [1]) === 'new value';