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To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • iOS 8.0+
  • macOS 10.10+
  • Swift 3.0+


CoreDuck is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CoreDuck'


import CoreDuck
// Init CoreDuck
let _ = CoreDuck.quack

If you want to see errors in console during development:

CoreDuck.printErrors = true

If you want to specifi name of CoreData *.xcdatamodeld file ("CoreData" by default):

/// Name of your *.xcdatamodel file
CoreDuck.coreDataModelName = "YourModelName"


/// Main NSManagedObjectContext of the app.
/// Primary usage is UIKit, works on the main thread of the app.
/// It's a singleton - always returns the same instance.
let context = NSManagedObjectContext.main

/// Background NSManagedObjectContext.
/// Returns new instance of NSManagedObjectContext each time you access this variable.
/// Use it for persisting changes to CoreData.
let backgroundContext = NSManagedObjectContext.background

Saving data


NSManagedObjectContext.saveWithBlock({ context in
// your code goes here
}, completion: { success in
// completion block


NSManagedObjectContext.saveWithBlockAndWait({ context in
// your code goes here
}, completion: { success in
// completion block

Creating objects

To create a new Core Data object in specified context:

if let newEntity = {
  // your code goes here

Getting object in context

Get reference to NSManagedObject instance in context:

if let entityInContext = context.get(entity) {
// your code goes here

Deleting objects


Fetching Entities

Basic search

As an example, let's assume that you have an entity named Person. You can retrieve all Person entities from your persistent store using the following function:

let people = context.findAll(entity: Person.self)

To return the same entities sorted by a specific attribute:

let people = context.findAll(entity: Person.self, sortedBy: "name", ascending: true)

If you want to find object in Core Data by attribute, you can use following functions:

let people = context.findFirst(entity: Person.self, by: "name", with: "John")
let people = context.findFirst(entity: Person.self, by: "officeID", with: 7)

Advanced search

If you want to execute more accurate search request, you can use predicates:

let people = context.findAll(entity: Person.self, with: NSPredicate(format: "entityID IN %@", peopleIDs))


let people = context.fetchAll(entity: Person.self, sortedBy: "entityID", ascending: true, delegate: self)
let people = context.fetchAll(entity: Person.self, with: predicate, sortedBy: "entityID", ascending: true, delegate: self)
let people = context.fetchAll(entity: Person.self, by: "officeID", with: 7, sortedBy: "entityID", ascending: true, delegate: self)



CoreDuck is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.