⚠️ DEPRECATION NOTICE: This SDK is deprecated and will be archived on May 31, 2025. Please transition to the new SDK before this date. After May 31, 2025, this repository will be archived and will no longer receive any updates. To support you during this transition please refer to our migration guide.
Install the latest SDK using npm:
$ npm install @apideck/node
or Yarn
$ yarn add @apideck/node
The module supports all Apideck API endpoints. For complete information about the API, head to the docs.
A new Apideck instance is initialized by passing in required settings to the configuration.
import Apideck from '@apideck/node';
const apideck = new Apideck({
apiKey: '<insert-api-key-here>',
appId: '<insert-application-id-here>',
consumerId: '<insert-consumer-id-here>'
const { crm } = apideck
Top level parameters (except for apiKey) can be overriden in specific resource calls.
// Declare Unify Api to use
const { crm } = apideck
// Override consumerId serviceId as declared in initial configuration for this operation.
const response = await crm.contactsAll({
// serviceId: 'salesforce', // optional
limit: '10'
Retrieving a list of all contacts and updating the first record with a new address.
import Apideck, { PhoneNumberType } from '@apideck/node';
const apideck = new Apideck({
apiKey: '<insert-api-key-here>',
appId: '<insert-application-id-here>',
consumerId: '<insert-consumer-id-here>'
const { crm } = apideck
const { data } = await crm.contactsAll({
limit: 10
const result = await crm.contactsUpdate({
id: data[0].id!,
contact: {
name: "John Doe",
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Doe",
addresses: [{
city: "Hoboken",
line1: "Streetname 19",
state: "NY"
phone_numbers: [{
number: '0486565656',
phoneType: PhoneNumberType.Home
The following Apis are currently available:
Read the full documentation of the AccountingApi here.
Read the full documentation of the AtsApi here.
Read the full documentation of the ConnectorApi here.
Read the full documentation of the CrmApi here.
Read the full documentation of the EcommerceApi here.
Read the full documentation of the FileStorageApi here.
Read the full documentation of the HrisApi here.
Read the full documentation of the IssueTrackingApi here.
Read the full documentation of the LeadApi here.
Read the full documentation of the PosApi here.
Read the full documentation of the SmsApi here.
Read the full documentation of the VaultApi here.
Read the full documentation of the WebhookApi here.
A utility for uploading files using the File Storage API. uploadFile
will automatically use upload sessions for files larger than 4MB. Smaller files will be uploaded with a simple upload call.
Example Usage
const apideck = new Apideck({
apiKey: '<insert-api-key-here>',
appId: '<insert-application-id-here>',
consumerId: '<insert-consumer-id-here>'
const file = await apideck.utils.uploadFile({
serviceId: 'dropbox',
file: buffer, // Buffer | string
name: "test.jpg",
size: fileSize, // file size in bytes
contentType: "image/jpg", // optional
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