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Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into SOLR-17609
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epugh committed Jan 17, 2025
2 parents 66b5305 + 5412394 commit 9daf789
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Showing 79 changed files with 754 additions and 508 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
public class Checksum extends DefaultTask {
private FileCollection files;
private File outputDir;
private Algorithm algorithm = Checksum.Algorithm.SHA512;
private Algorithm algorithm;

public enum Algorithm {
MD5(new DigestUtils(DigestUtils.getMd5Digest())),
Expand All @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public String getExtension() {

public Checksum() {
outputDir = new File(getProject().getBuildDir(), "checksums");
algorithm = Algorithm.SHA256;
algorithm = Checksum.Algorithm.SHA512;

Expand Down
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,10 +122,6 @@ ext {
apply from: file('gradle/conventions.gradle')
apply from: file('gradle/generation/local-settings.gradle')

// Ant-compatibility layer: apply folder layout early so that
// evaluation of other scripts doesn't need to be deferred.
apply from: file('gradle/ant-compat/solr.folder-layout.gradle')

// Set up defaults and configure aspects for certain modules or functionality
// (java, tests)
apply from: file('gradle/java/folder-layout.gradle')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,13 +184,6 @@ apply from: file('gradle/help.gradle')
// Configures development for joint Lucene/ Solr composite build.
apply from: file('gradle/lucene-dev/lucene-dev-repo-composite.gradle')

// Ant-compatibility layer. ALL OF THESE SHOULD BE GONE at some point. They are
// here so that we can coexist with current ant build but they are indicative
// of potential problems with the build conventions, dependencies, etc.
apply from: file('gradle/ant-compat/misc.gradle')

apply from: file('gradle/ant-compat/artifact-naming.gradle')

apply from: file('gradle/documentation/pull-lucene-javadocs.gradle')
apply from: file('gradle/documentation/documentation.gradle')
apply from: file('gradle/documentation/changes-to-html.gradle')
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions dev-tools/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
from scriptutil import BranchType, Version, download, run

# Solr-to-Java version mapping
java_versions = {6: 8, 7: 8, 8: 8, 9: 11, 10: 11}
java_versions = {6: 8, 7: 8, 8: 8, 9: 11, 10: 21}
editor = None
state = None
templates = None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ def main():

# Smoketester requires JAVA11_HOME to point to Java11
# Smoketester requires JAVA21_HOME to point to Java21
os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = state.get_java_home()
os.environ['JAVACMD'] = state.get_java_cmd()

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion dev-tools/scripts/releaseWizard.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ groups:
You will need these tools:
* Python v3.4 or later, with dependencies listed in requirements.txt
* Java 11 in $JAVA11_HOME
* Java 21 in $JAVA21_HOME
* gpg
* git
* svn
Expand Down
111 changes: 57 additions & 54 deletions dev-tools/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,15 +141,18 @@ def checkJARMetaData(desc, jarFile, gitRevision, version):

s = decodeUTF8(

compileJDK = '21'
if 'solrj' in desc or 'api' in desc:
compileJDK = '17'
for verify in (
'Specification-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation',
'Implementation-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation',
'Specification-Title: Apache Solr Search Server:',
'Implementation-Title: org.apache.solr',
'X-Compile-Source-JDK: 11',
'X-Compile-Target-JDK: 11',
'X-Compile-Source-JDK: %s' % compileJDK,
'X-Compile-Target-JDK: %s' % compileJDK,
'Specification-Version: %s' % version,
'X-Build-JDK: 11.',
'X-Build-JDK: 21.',
'Extension-Name: org.apache.solr'):
if type(verify) is not tuple:
verify = (verify,)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -625,8 +628,8 @@ def verifyUnpacked(java, artifact, unpackPath, gitRevision, version, testArgs):
# in_root_folder.remove(fileName)

if isSrc:
expected_src_root_folders = ['buildSrc', 'dev-docs', 'dev-tools', 'gradle', 'help', 'solr']
expected_src_root_files = ['build.gradle', 'gradlew', 'gradlew.bat', 'settings.gradle', 'versions.lock', 'versions.props']
expected_src_root_folders = ['build-tools', 'dev-docs', 'dev-tools', 'gradle', 'help', 'solr']
expected_src_root_files = ['build.gradle', 'gradlew', 'gradlew.bat', 'settings.gradle', 'settings-gradle.lockfile', 'versions.lock']
expected_src_solr_files = ['build.gradle']
expected_src_solr_folders = ['benchmark', 'bin', 'modules', 'api', 'core', 'cross-dc-manager', 'docker', 'documentation', 'example', 'licenses', 'packaging', 'distribution', 'prometheus-exporter', 'server', 'solr-ref-guide', 'solrj', 'solrj-streaming', 'solrj-zookeeper', 'test-framework', 'webapp', '.gitignore', '.gitattributes']
is_in_list(in_root_folder, expected_src_root_folders)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -660,47 +663,47 @@ def verifyUnpacked(java, artifact, unpackPath, gitRevision, version, testArgs):

validateCmd = './gradlew --no-daemon check -p solr/documentation'
print(' run "%s"' % validateCmd)
java.run_java11(validateCmd, '%s/validate.log' % unpackPath)

print(" run tests w/ Java 11 and testArgs='%s'..." % testArgs)
java.run_java11('./gradlew --no-daemon test %s' % testArgs, '%s/test.log' % unpackPath)
print(" run integration tests w/ Java 11")
java.run_java11('./gradlew --no-daemon integrationTest -Dversion.release=%s' % version, '%s/itest.log' % unpackPath)
print(" build binary release w/ Java 11")
java.run_java11('./gradlew --no-daemon dev -Dversion.release=%s' % version, '%s/assemble.log' % unpackPath)
testSolrExample("%s/solr/packaging/build/dev" % unpackPath, java.java11_home, False)

if java.run_java17:
print(" run tests w/ Java 17 and testArgs='%s'..." % testArgs)
java.run_java17('./gradlew --no-daemon clean test %s' % testArgs, '%s/test-java17.log' % unpackPath)
print(" run integration tests w/ Java 17")
java.run_java17('./gradlew --no-daemon integrationTest -Dversion.release=%s' % version, '%s/itest-java17.log' % unpackPath)
print(" build binary release w/ Java 17")
java.run_java17('./gradlew --no-daemon dev -Dversion.release=%s' % version, '%s/assemble-java17.log' % unpackPath)
testSolrExample("%s/solr/packaging/build/dev" % unpackPath, java.java17_home, False)
java.run_java21(validateCmd, '%s/validate.log' % unpackPath)

print(" run tests w/ Java 21 and testArgs='%s'..." % testArgs)
java.run_java21('./gradlew --no-daemon test %s' % testArgs, '%s/test.log' % unpackPath)
print(" run integration tests w/ Java 21")
java.run_java21('./gradlew --no-daemon integrationTest -Dversion.release=%s' % version, '%s/itest.log' % unpackPath)
print(" build binary release w/ Java 21")
java.run_java21('./gradlew --no-daemon dev -Dversion.release=%s' % version, '%s/assemble.log' % unpackPath)
testSolrExample("%s/solr/packaging/build/dev" % unpackPath, java.java21_home, False)

if java.run_java25:
print(" run tests w/ Java 25 and testArgs='%s'..." % testArgs)
java.run_java25('./gradlew --no-daemon clean test %s' % testArgs, '%s/test-java25.log' % unpackPath)
print(" run integration tests w/ Java 25")
java.run_java25('./gradlew --no-daemon integrationTest -Dversion.release=%s' % version, '%s/itest-java25.log' % unpackPath)
print(" build binary release w/ Java 25")
java.run_java25('./gradlew --no-daemon dev -Dversion.release=%s' % version, '%s/assemble-java25.log' % unpackPath)
testSolrExample("%s/solr/packaging/build/dev" % unpackPath, java.java25_home, False)

# Binary tarball
checkAllJARs(os.getcwd(), gitRevision, version)

print(' copying unpacked distribution for Java 11 ...')
java11UnpackPath = '%s-java11' % unpackPath
if os.path.exists(java11UnpackPath):
shutil.copytree(unpackPath, java11UnpackPath)
print(' test solr example w/ Java 11...')
testSolrExample(java11UnpackPath, java.java11_home, isSlim)

if java.run_java17:
print(' copying unpacked distribution for Java 17 ...')
java17UnpackPath = '%s-java17' % unpackPath
if os.path.exists(java17UnpackPath):
shutil.copytree(unpackPath, java17UnpackPath)
print(' test solr example w/ Java 17...')
testSolrExample(java17UnpackPath, java.java17_home, isSlim)
print(' copying unpacked distribution for Java 21 ...')
java21UnpackPath = '%s-java21' % unpackPath
if os.path.exists(java21UnpackPath):
shutil.copytree(unpackPath, java21UnpackPath)
print(' test solr example w/ Java 21...')
testSolrExample(java21UnpackPath, java.java21_home, isSlim)

if java.run_java25:
print(' copying unpacked distribution for Java 25 ...')
java25UnpackPath = '%s-java25' % unpackPath
if os.path.exists(java25UnpackPath):
shutil.copytree(unpackPath, java25UnpackPath)
print(' test solr example w/ Java 25...')
testSolrExample(java25UnpackPath, java.java25_home, isSlim)


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1019,7 +1022,7 @@ def crawl(downloadedFiles, urlString, targetDir, exclusions=set()):

def make_java_config(parser, java17_home):
def make_java_config(parser, java25_home):
def _make_runner(java_home, version):
print('Java %s JAVA_HOME=%s' % (version, java_home))
if cygwin:
Expand All @@ -1033,23 +1036,23 @@ def _make_runner(java_home, version):
def run_java(cmd, logfile):
run('%s; %s' % (cmd_prefix, cmd), logfile)
return run_java
java11_home = os.environ.get('JAVA_HOME')
if java11_home is None:
java21_home = os.environ.get('JAVA_HOME')
if java21_home is None:
parser.error('JAVA_HOME must be set')
run_java11 = _make_runner(java11_home, '11')
run_java17 = None
if java17_home is not None:
run_java17 = _make_runner(java17_home, '17')
run_java21 = _make_runner(java21_home, '21')
run_java25 = None
if java25_home is not None:
run_java25 = _make_runner(java25_home, '25')

jc = namedtuple('JavaConfig', 'run_java11 java11_home run_java17 java17_home')
return jc(run_java11, java11_home, run_java17, java17_home)
jc = namedtuple('JavaConfig', 'run_java21 java21_home run_java25 java25_home')
return jc(run_java21, java21_home, run_java25, java25_home)

version_re = re.compile(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-ALPHA|-BETA)?)')
revision_re = re.compile(r'rev-([a-f\d]+)')
def parse_config():
epilogue = textwrap.dedent('''
Example usage:
python3 -u dev-tools/scripts/
python3 -u dev-tools/scripts/
description = 'Utility to test a release.'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilogue,
Expand All @@ -1064,8 +1067,8 @@ def parse_config():
help='GIT revision number that release was built with, defaults to that in URL')
parser.add_argument('--version', metavar='X.Y.Z(-ALPHA|-BETA)?',
help='Version of the release, defaults to that in URL')
parser.add_argument('--test-java17', metavar='java17_home',
help='Path to Java17 home directory, to run tests with if specified')
parser.add_argument('--test-java25', metavar='java25_home',
help='Path to Java25 home directory, to run tests with if specified')
parser.add_argument('--download-only', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Only perform download and sha hash check steps')
parser.add_argument('--dev-mode', action='store_true', default=False,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1094,7 +1097,7 @@ def parse_config():
if c.local_keys is not None and not os.path.exists(c.local_keys):
parser.error('Local KEYS file "%s" not found' % c.local_keys) = make_java_config(parser, c.test_java17) = make_java_config(parser, c.test_java25)

if c.tmp_dir:
c.tmp_dir = os.path.abspath(c.tmp_dir)
Expand Down
21 changes: 0 additions & 21 deletions gradle/ant-compat/artifact-naming.gradle

This file was deleted.

24 changes: 0 additions & 24 deletions gradle/ant-compat/misc.gradle

This file was deleted.

23 changes: 0 additions & 23 deletions gradle/ant-compat/solr.folder-layout.gradle

This file was deleted.


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