IMOS Toolbox v2.6.8 - hotfix release - 13 Aug 2020
Release 2.6.8 is a hotfix release.
This release contains important fixes:
- Fix regression when handling ADCP tilt data in imosTiltVelocitySetQC introduced in 2.6.7. 9a0d83c
- Avoid listing/processing of variables with more than one dimension within the imosTimeSeriesSpikeQC test/UI. eb1b86c
- Allow burst/non-burst datasets imported with the netcdfParser to be Quality controlled with the imosTimeSeriesSpikeQC method. 307fb3b f
- Fix typos and bugs regarding auto mode in imosTimeSeriesSpikeQC. 2acf9d5
- Some speed improvements for non-standalone execution, particularly at startup. 6bd84d1