IMOS Toolbox v2.6.5 - 28 Jan 2019
Release 2.6.5 is the Q2 release of the IMOS Toolbox.
Changes since v2.5.4:
- Now we use
instead oftime_coverage_[start/end]
global attribute to name the netcdf files. 7a4f33a
Data Ingestion:
Staroddi Parser - New Parser to handle all Star-oddi instruments. Support is now provided to both old and new versions, in a transparent way to the user.
2e065d4 , 0b1b08a, 0f95a62, f47bc47, 096adc7 -
Voltage names - report correct names/metadata for voltages. 82a71bd
Nortek Signature parser - Refactoring to allow different Id's and different sampling scheme (
ping interval == burst interval == measurement average interval
). 05f78a0 -
GenericParser Machinery - A new machinery to write and update parsers. 3c040d5
AquatrackaPP - Allow multiple integer variable names in aquatrackapp.
Batch Testing scripts. Now you can run the entire test suite by just executing the
or (
). You need all the instrument test files, however (by
). 688a1e6 -
Enhanced test coverage for Staroddi Parser. 0b1b08a
Enhanced test coverage in windows. 0b1b08a
Allow external users to obtain the test files without setting up AWS credentials.
bd2a440 -
Modernize older tests and remove all instrument files from the repository. f52575d
Basic Nortek Signature tests. bd7e0d3
Tests for some utility functions. 4341749
New general auxiliary functions :
run all tests and report failed ones in a better format. e23a7b5rdir
recursive list of files/folders. 88edb13toolboxRootPath
return the imosToolbox root path. 88edb13setToolboxPaths
add all toolbox folders to the matlab path. e23a7b5toCelsius
- convert to Celsius from Fahr or Kelvin. c286607
Other auxiliar functions:
- Convert toolbox data structures to imos data structures. 1dec95bgetIMOSType
- wrapper tomtype = str2func(netcdf3ToMatlabType(imosParameters(imos_parameter_str, 'type')));
. 663d498isnumbered
- detect if a string follows the_2,_3,_4,...
moniker. 663d498loadTimeSeriesSampleTemplate
- load the default timeseries structures (TIME,LAT,LON,NOMINAL_DEPTH). 1dec95bresolveString
- add a underscore to a string if already present in a list state. 663d498resolveIMOSName
wrapper toresolveString
to resolve the name to a valid IMOS variable name. 663d498
Version Bump & binary updates 2d9ddd2265ade2310df94ac38107237dc9dd40bd
The total number of test files increased to 591.