IMOS Toolbox v2.5.41 - 14 Dec 2018
Changes from 2.5.40:
- Clean up adcpBinMappingPP code. 52768ed
- adcpBinMappingPP can now handle datasets originally collected in beam coordinates. d5fc895
- adcpNortekBeam2EnuPP can now handle datasets originally collected in beam coordinates. 1f778a8
- Fix bug in diagramMooring2DVarAgainstOther where iYAxisVar is assumed to be the same accross considered instruments. 179c17b
- Set maximum valid values for turbidity and chlorophyll-a to respectively 4 and 5. This will be taken into account in the imosGlobalRangeQC test. fe333fc
- Fix problematic use of gca in cbCLimRange callback in setTimeSerieColorbarContextMenu for r2017a onwards. Axes handle is now passed on to setTimeSerieColorbarContextMenu. a1e0eed
- Fix problematic use of colormap when not specifying the targeted axes for r2017a and newer. 7f7865e
- Give up on the use of option peer in colorbar() for version >= r2014b as recommended by Matlab documentation. c9afa71
- Rename setTimeSerieColorbarContextMenu to setTimeSeriesColorbarContextMenu. 8afbf24
- Speed of sound used by ADCPs to calculate distances is now stored in SSPD variable for all ADCPs. 6703bc6
- Fix incorrect structure assignment, fix incorrect structure access. 528c3a5
- Increment version to 2.5.41 and update binaries accordingly. dbd5869