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Merge pull request #689 from aodn/parser_oceanContour
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IMOS utilities and OceanContour Parser, closes #691
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lbesnard authored Nov 27, 2020
2 parents 10c699a + bb7d954 commit 44e043b
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Showing 45 changed files with 2,841 additions and 1 deletion.
699 changes: 699 additions & 0 deletions Parser/OceanContour/OceanContour.m

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions Parser/oceanContourParse.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
function [sample_data] = oceanContourParser(filename_in_cell, toolbox_mode)
% function [data] = oceanContourParser(filename_in_cell, toolbox_mode)
% The OceanContour Parser for netcdf or mat files.
% Inputs:
% filename [cell[str]] - A cell containing one filename string.
% toolbox_mode [str] - the processing mode string.
% Default: 'timeSeries'
% Outputs:
% sample_data - toolbox struct containing the data.
% Example:
% [data] = OceanContourParser(file,mode)
% assert()
% author: [email protected]
narginchk(1, 2)

invalid_file_arg = ~iscellstr(filename_in_cell) && length(filename_in_cell) ~= 1;

if invalid_file_arg
errormsg('First argument file isn''t a singleton cell of strings')

filename = filename_in_cell{1};
inexistent_file = isempty(dir(filename));

if inexistent_file
errormsg('file %s doesn''t exist', filename)

sample_data = OceanContour.readOceanContourFile(filename);

39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions Util/+IMOS/+random/get_random_param.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
function [param] = get_random_param(param_name)
% function [param] = get_random_param(param_name)
% Get a random IMOS parameter index.
% Inputs:
% param_name - the parameter name. See IMOS.param.
% Outputs:
% param - A random item.
% Example:
% valid_entry = @(x)(~isempty(x) && ischar(x));
% assert(valid_entry(IMOS.random.get_random_param('name')))
% assert(valid_entry(IMOS.random.get_random_param('long_name')))
% assert(valid_entry(IMOS.random.get_random_param('netcdf_ctype')))
% author: [email protected]
narginchk(1, 1)

if ~ischar(param_name)
error('First argument is not a char')

imosparams = IMOS.params();
available_names = fieldnames(imosparams);

if ~inCell(available_names, param_name)
errormsg('IMOS parameter %s does not exist', param_name)

all_values = unique(imosparams.(param_name));
rind = random_between(1, numel(all_values), 1, 'int');
param = all_values{rind};
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions Util/+IMOS/+random/imos_data.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
function [rdata] = imos_data(imos_type, data_size)
% function [rdata] = imos_data(imos_type,data_size)
% Generate a random IMOS variable
% given a type and a size.
% A column vector is used if data_size provided
% is singleton.
% If no arguments, a double random data of size [100x1]
% is generated.
% Inputs:
% imos_type [function_handle] - the fh imos type.
% data_size [array] - an size array to use
% in the resolution of the data.
% Outputs:
% rdata [type] - the random data array of specific type
% Example:
% %random generation 100xN
% [rdata] = IMOS.random.imos_data();
% assert(iscolumn(rdata) && numel(rdata)==100)
% %random typed
% [rdata] = IMOS.random.imos_data(@int32);
% assert(isint32(rdata) && iscolumn(rdata) && numel(rdata)==100)
% %random typed with defined size
% [rdata] = IMOS.random.imos_data(@int32,[6,1]);
% assert(isint32(rdata) && iscolumn(rdata) && numel(rdata)==6)
% [rdata] = IMOS.random.imos_data(@int32,[1,6]);
% assert(isint32(rdata) && isrow(rdata) && numel(rdata)==6)
% [rdata] = IMOS.random.imos_data(@int32,[6,6]);
% assert(isint32(rdata) && isnumeric(rdata) && numel(rdata)==36)
% %invalid type argument
% f=false;try; IMOS.random.imos_data('float');catch;f=true;end
% assert(f)
% %invalid size argument
% f=false;try; IMOS.random.imos_data(@double,1);catch;f=true;end
% assert(f)
% author: [email protected]

if nargin == 0
rdata = randn(100, 1);
elseif nargin > 0 && ~isfunctionhandle(imos_type)
errormsg('First argument `imos_type` is not a function handle')
elseif nargin > 1 && ~issize(data_size)
errormsg('Second argument `data_size` is not a valid size')

if nargin == 1
rdata = imos_type(randn(100, 1));
rdata = imos_type(randn(data_size));

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions Util/+IMOS/+random/imos_name.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
function [name] = imos_name
% function [name] = imos_name
% Generate a random IMOS name
% Inputs:
% Outputs:
% name [string] - an IMOS name from imosParameters.txt
% Example:
% [name] = IMOS.random.imos_name();
% assert(~isempty(name))
% assert(all(isstrprop(name,'print')))
% author: [email protected]
name = IMOS.random.get_random_param('name');
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions Util/+IMOS/+random/imos_type.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
function [rtype] = imos_type
% function [rtype] = imos_type
% Generate a random imos type function handle
% Inputs:
% Outputs:
% rtype [function_handle] - the function handle of the type.
% Example:
% assert(isa(IMOS.random.imos_type,'function_handle'))
% author: [email protected]
rtype = str2func(netcdf3ToMatlabType(IMOS.random.get_random_param('netcdf_ctype')));
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions Util/+IMOS/+resolve/imos_type.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
function [itype] = imos_type(imos_name)
% function [itype] = imos_type(imos_name)
% Resolve an IMOS data type function handle
% based on its name.
% If the name is not an IMOS dimension/variable name,
% an error is raised.
% Inputs:
% imos_name [str] - an IMOS variable name to use
% in the resolution of the type.
% Outputs:
% itype [function_handle] - the resolved function handle.
% Example:
% %basic
% assert(isequal(IMOS.resolve.imos_type('TIME'),@double));
% %imos_name missing
% f=false;try;IMOS.resolve.imos_type('ABC');catch;f=true;end;
% assert(f)
% author: [email protected]
narginchk(1, 1)

if ~ischar(imos_name)
errormsg('First argument is not a valid string')

params = IMOS.params();
[name_exist, name_ind] = inCell(, imos_name);

if ~name_exist
errormsg('Name %s is missing within the imosParameter table.', imos_name)
itype = str2func(netcdf3ToMatlabType(params.netcdf_ctype{name_ind}));

37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions Util/+IMOS/+resolve/name.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
function [rname] = name(cnames, rindex)
% function [rname] = name(cnames,rindex)
% Return cnames{rindex} if cnames is a cell
% of strings and rindex<numel(cnames).
% If out-of-bounds, returns an empty string.
% This function will type check the arguments.
% Inputs:
% cnames [cell[str]] - a cell of strings.
% rindex [integer] - an integer index.
% Outputs:
% rname [str] - cnames{index} or empty string.
% Example:
% [rname] ={'A'},1);
% assert(rname=='A');
% [rname] ={'A'},10);
% assert(isempty(rname));
% author: [email protected]
narginchk(2, 2)

if ~iscellstr(cnames)
errormsg('First argument `cnames` is not a cell of strings.')
elseif (~isindex(rindex) || numel(rindex) > 1)
errormsg('Second argument `rindex` is not a singleton valid index.')

rname = IMOS.getitem(cnames, rindex);
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions Util/+IMOS/+templates/dimensions.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
classdef dimensions
% A collection of minimal IMOS dimensions templates.
properties (Constant)
timeseries = timeseries_dims();
profile = profile_dims();
ad_profile = ad_profile_dims();
adcp_raw = adcp_raw_dims();
adcp_remapped = adcp_remapped_dims();

function [dimensions] = timeseries_dims()
%create basic timeseries dimensions
dimensions = {struct('name','TIME','typeCastFunc',getIMOSType('TIME'),'data',[],'comment','')};

function [dimensions] = profile_dims()
%create basic profile dimensions
dimensions = {struct('name','DEPTH','typeCastFunc',getIMOSType('DEPTH'),'data',[],'comment','','axis','Z')};

function [dimensions] = ad_profile_dims()
%create basic ad profile dimensions
dimensions = cell(1,2);
dimensions{1} = struct('name','MAXZ','typeCastFunc',getIMOSType('MAXZ'),'data',[]);
dimensions{2} = struct('name','PROFILE','typeCastFunc',getIMOSType('PROFILE'),'data',[]);
dimensions{2}.data = dimensions{2}.typeCastFunc([1,2]);

function [dimensions] = adcp_raw_dims()
dimensions = timeseries_dims();
dimensions{2} = struct('name','DIST_ALONG_BEAMS','typeCastFunc',getIMOSType('DIST_ALONG_BEAMS'),'data',[]);

function [dimensions] = adcp_remapped_dims()
dimensions = timeseries_dims();
dimensions{2} = struct('name','HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR','typeCastFunc',getIMOSType('HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR'),'data',[]);

77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions Util/+IMOS/cellfun.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
function [result, failed_items] = cellfun(func, icell)
% function [result, failed_items] = cellfun(func,icell)
% A MATLAB cellfun function that wraps errors
% in empty results.
% The items that triggered the fails may be returned.
% Inputs:
% func [function_handle] - a FH to apply to each cell member
% icell [cell[Any]] - a cell where func will be applied itemwise.
% Outputs:
% result [cell{any}] - the result of func(icell{k})
% failed_items [cell{any}] - the icell{k} items that erroed.
% Example:
% %valid inputs
% [result] = IMOS.cellfun(@iscell,{{},{}});
% assert(all(cell2mat(result)));
% %empty results for invalid evaluations
% [result,failed_items] = IMOS.cellfun(@zeros,{'a',1,'b'});
% assert(isempty(result{1}))
% assert(isequal(result{2},0))
% assert(isempty(result{3}))
% assert(isequal(failed_items{1},'a'))
% assert(isequal(failed_items{2},'b'))
% author: [email protected]
narginchk(2, 2)

if ~isfunctionhandle(func)
errormsg('First argument `func` is not a function handle')
elseif ~iscell(icell)
errormsg('Second argument `icell` is not a cell')

nc = numel(icell);
result = cell(1, nc);
failed_items = {};
fcount = 0;

[result] = cellfun(func, icell, 'UniformOutput', false);

for k = 1:numel(icell)

result{k} = func(icell{k});

if nargout > 1

if fcount == 0
failed_items = cell(1, nc - k);

fcount = fcount + 1;
failed_items{fcount} = icell{k};




if nargout > 1 && fcount > 0
failed_items = failed_items(1:fcount);


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