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Yacine Petitprez edited this page Jun 7, 2018 · 4 revisions

Clear offers an expression to create complex SQL query without using so much of strings object (and thus avoid SQL injection problems !).


You can start a query over a model using YourModel.query. Queries are objects used to build a collection and fetch the models.

Like in SQL, query allow two named where and having.

Multiple flavors of both methods exists:

  # Using named tuple. Use equality operator.
  YourModel.query.where({id: 5}) #SELECT * FROM your_models WHERE id = 5
  # Using wildcard. Good for simple requests without 
  YourModel.query.where("id = ?", 5) #SELECT * FROM your_models WHERE id = 5
  # Using symbol referenced in string.
  YourModel.query.where("id = :id OR other_id = :id", {id: 5}) #SELECT * FROM your_models WHERE id = 5 OR other_id = 5

The expression engine allow you to write down your conditions without usage of any strings.

  YourModel.query.where{ (id == 5) | (other_id == 5) } #SELECT * FROM your_models WHERE id = 5 OR other_id = 5


Authorized operators are:

Operator Description
& This is the AND operator. Because of low priority of & compare to &&, tests must be enclosed by parenthesis.
| This is the OR operator. Behave like AND
== This is the equality operator. Translate as = in SQL. If compared with nil value, will translate to IS NULL
!= This is the not equal operator. Translate as <> in SQL. If compared with nil value however, will translate to IS NOT NULL
! This is the not operator. Will translate to NOT(expr...) in SQL
=~ This is the regexp operator. Will translate to ~* if your expression is using ignore case flag, and ~ otherwise. Example: firstname =~ /^yacine/i will translate to firstname ~* '^yacine'
!~ Same as regexp operator, but translate to !~* and !~
<, >, <=, >= Will translate to themselves in the query. Will translate to x IN (?) in the query. Handle empty array, returning FALSE in this case !
between(x, y) Will translate to BETWEEN x AND y in the query. Usable with two value or (TODO) a range

Complex access

Exception from the operator above, any other methods will be written down as it in the database.

So expression engine allows you for complex access, for example in case of joins:

MyModel.joins(...).query.where{ the_joined_models.my_model_id == }


Setup a variable in the scope of the expression engine can lead to unexpected behavior. Let's say for example:

id = 1
MyModel.query.where{ id == 5 } #Will fail !

Thankfully, Clear will report an error "The expression engine discovered a runtime-evaluable condition" to avoid you to waste your time. In this case, you should write:

id = 1
MyModel.query.where{ raw("id") == 5 } #No more problem !

So, any value evaluable at runtime will be evaluated as static value:

boolean = false
MyModel.query.where{ published == boolean } #WHERE published = 'f'

raw offers you a way to bypass anything just putting a raw text as part of an expression.