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Releases: anwaraliahmad/droneframe


11 Sep 02:26
Choose a tag to compare
  • Change --output option so that it functions as a target parent directory path to generate the output folder in.
  • Output folder name is now set to be the same as the video filename


05 Sep 16:52
Choose a tag to compare

First build of droneframe.

  • Designed for photogrammetry use case
  • CLI tool for frame extraction from drone footage
  • Populates frames with matching EXIF data from metadata file
  • Allows specifying a framerate


  • Currently expects MP4 for the drone footage and SRT for the metadata
  • Frames are created as JPG's with the same naming pattern
  • Only one MP4/SRT pair currently supported at a time
  • Specified framerate should not exceed the footage's native framerate

Help Message:

$ droneframe -h
usage: droneframe [-h] [-m META] [-f FRAME_RATE] [-o OUTPUT] video

Extract frames (JPG) into a folder from drone footage (MP4 at a specific framerate
and populate them with matching metadata (from the corresponding SRT file).

positional arguments:
  video                 Path to the drone video.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m META, --meta META  Path to the SRT metadata file. Assumes same name and location
                        as video by default (e.g. path/to/DJI_0001.MP4 -->
  -f FRAME_RATE, --frame_rate FRAME_RATE
                        Frame extraction framerate. Assumes 30 by default.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Directory for frames output.

Full Changelog: