- I'm Anubhav Sharma, a Fullstack Engineer at 👨💻 uFaber EduTech Pvt. Ltd..
- I am Machine Learning Enthusiast.
- I like to fix bugs whether technical or personal.
- 🏄 Community guy who loves being involved in communities and help people grow.
- 😄 I Make a Server to serve the Data Requests to the Client-side.
- 😄 I love to teach Machine to Predict about Future whether Its any Disease or Forest Fire or Drowsiness Of Human
- 🌱 I love working on Linux(Debian) Terminals and Python.
- ⚡ I’m currently learning about MERN Stack
- ⚡ I’m currently Working over My Secret Project (#I_am_Iron_Man).
- 👯 And Many More...
- I am a Professional Developer who loves to spend time with techy stuff and exploring new things and people.
Basically, I'm a chef coder who creates algorithms from scratch and also cooks delicious food.
Currently working on Frontend-Backend integration and Playing with APIs.
Side work is on ML Stuff and learning Javascript
Also, Play with Data and work with Images and Voice.
- 💬 Ask me about anything and everything!
- 💬 Share me Problem(Personal or Technical) for Solutions!
- 📫 How to reach me: message me at Whatsapp
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love meeting new people and learning from them, doesn't matter younger or older than me
- 💬 Ping Me about #Server_Architecture, #AI, #Python, #Machine_Learning, #Deep_Learning, #Data_Science, #Neural_Networks, #Computer_Vision, #Natural_Language_Processing and anything you like.