This module is available under the same terms as Perl itself. Please read the project POD for more detailed information!
This module provides an easy framework to process and transform general key-based arguments and values. Users simply specify by key how to parse values and where to store them, and the rest is taken care of. This module is designed to play extremely well with plain-perl object-oriented classes and hierarchies, which are handled transparently and in an efficient manner.
(Soon to be on CPAN, once we reach version 0.3)
package My::Password::Package;
use Config::YAARG qw(:class); #user imports this module, using the class tag
#users specify public to private argument name mappings
use constant ARG_NAME_MAP => { HashType => hashing_type };
#users specify value transformations, see POD for transformation types
use constant ARG_VALUE_TRANS => { HashType => 'Hash::TypeFactory' }
#or...for something more custom
use constant ARG_VALUE_TRANS => { HashType => sub { Hash::TypeFactory->get($_[0], @other_args) } }
sub new {
my $self = bless({}, $class);
#args are transformed and added to $_[0], in this case $self
#or...any hashref you desire
$self->{opts} = process_args({}, @_);
print "Hashing type: ", ref($self->{hashing_type}), "\n";
return $self;
This module will smartly handle most argument variations, such as a user supplying multiple values using an arrayref, or supplying a singular value directly, or both. It will also handle deep / nested structures if the DEEP_TRANSFORM flag is set (SEE POD).
$password = My::Password::Package->new( HashType => 'md5');
$password = My::Password::Package->new( HashType => ['md5']);
$password = My::Password::Package->new( HashType => ['md5','sha1']);
#or...if package supports deep transformations
$password = My::Password::Package->new({ HashType => 'md5'});
This essentially allows you to autobox / type arguments based on key. If you have a nested argument structure with multiple elements which contain a 'URI' value, these can be 'type-casted' to instances of the URI class etc.
This module coincidentally excels in processing deserialised formats, such as XML-type structures and JSON / YAML as arguments. Academically, it would be trivial to write a custom transform handler, which first deserialised and then called process_args again on the result. Please note that I do not suggest or encourage the use of such formats. None the less, here's an example:
#map final values to the hash key
use ARG_NAME_MAP => { XML => 'HASH', JSON => 'HASH', YAML => 'HASH' };
#deserialise all supported formats to common hash structure
#and then pass the result back in to process_args
XML => sub { process_args({}, read_xml($_[0])) }
JSON => sub { process_args({}, JSON.decode($_[0])) },
YAML => sub { process_args({}, YAML.decode($_[0])) },
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