Its a promise based wrappers around the aws-sdk -> SQS. For now very limited function are wrapped(i wrapped the one i needed often, feel free to extend this library).
- getQueueAttributes()
- sendMessage(jsonOrStringData)
- receiveMessage()
- deleteMessage(receiptHandle)
var SQS = require('aws-sqs-promises'),
options = {
name : 'my-queue-name', // required
useIAMRole : true // optional
accessKeyId : 'aws-key', // required if useIAMRole = false
secretAccessKey : 'aws-secret-access-key', // required if useIAMRole = false
region : 'us-west-2', // optional, default is 'us-east-1'
apiVersion : '2012-11-05', // optional, default is '2012-11-05'
maxMessages : 5, // optional, default is '10', it must be between 1-10, passing out of range will set it to default
var myQueue = new SQS(options);
.then(function (messageArray) {
// check out aws-sdk documentation for more detail.
// msg: {MessageId: '', ReceiptHandle: '', MD5OfBody: '', Body: ''}
// business logic
.catch(function (err) {
// got some error
Change list.
- prefix logs with
- code refactoring
- added new params delaySeconds
myQueue.sendMessage(jsonOrStringData, delaySeconds)
- moved method getQueueUrl from internal to public.
- jslint
- bumped version from 0.0.4, i think its be in good state now.
- Add new option.useIAMRole(boolean) for production use , it will make use of EC2 instance IAM Role, if EC2 instance is not using role then it will fall back to shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials) if is not configured then it will check for environment variables. Here is documentation explaining it []
- Upgraded packages.
- Removed unwanted packages and incomplete test cases.
- bumped version
- fix, not to call getQueueUrl multiple times if consumed in a loop. Internal functionality fix to avoid extra calls to aws, for same purpose.
- initial code commit.