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In-App Messaging (IAM) module allows app developers to easily configure and display notifications within their app.

This module supports iOS 12.0 and above. It has been tested with iOS 12.5 and above.


Xcode >= 14.1 is supported.

Swift >= 5.7.1 is supported.

Note: The SDK may build on earlier Xcode versions but it is not officially supported or tested.

How to install

RInAppMessaging SDK is distributed as a Cocoapod and as a Swift Package.


More information on installing pods:

  1. Include the following in your application's Podfile
pod 'RInAppMessaging'

Note: RInAppMessaging SDK requires use_frameworks! to be present in the Podfile.

  1. Run the following in the terminal
pod install

Swift Package Manager

Open your project settings in Xcode and add a new package in 'Swift Packages' tab:

  • Repository URL:
  • Version settings: 6.1.0 "Up to Next Major" (6.1.0 is the first version to support SPM)

Choose RInAppMessaging product for your target. If you want to link other targets, go to Build Phases of that target, then in Link Binary With Libraries click + button and add RInAppMessaging.


Note: Currently we do not host any public APIs but you can create your own APIs and configure the SDK to use those.

To use the module you must set your app's subscription key and a config endpoint URL using one of the provided methods:

Build-time configuration

Add the following entries in your app's Info.plist:

Key Value
InAppMessagingAppSubscriptionID your_subscription_key
InAppMessagingConfigurationURL Endpoint for fetching the configuration

Runtime configuration

Provide a value for subscriptionID and configurationURL parameters when calling RInAppMessaging.configure method.

RInAppMessaging.configure(subscriptionID: "your_subscription_key",
                          configurationURL: "Endpoint for fetching the configuration")

⚠️ The runtime configuration values take precedence over build-time configuration.

Enable and disable the SDK remotely

We recommend, as good engineering practice, that you integrate with a remote config service so that you can fetch a feature flag, e.g. Enable_IAM_SDK, and use its value to dynamically enable/disable the SDK without making an app release. There are many remote config services on the market, both free and paid.

Using the SDK

The SDK provides 3 public methods for the host applications to use:

  1. configure()
  2. logEvent()
  3. registerPreference()
  4. closeMessage()


This method initializes the SDK and should be placed in your AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.

import RInAppMessaging

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    RInAppMessaging.configure(subscriptionID: "runtime-config-subscription-id",
                              configurationURL: "runtime.config.url")
    return true


  • subscriptionID and configurationURL parameters are optional if you set their values in Info.plist (See build-time configuration)
  • You can wrap the call to configure() in an if <enable IAM-SDK boolean value> == true condition to control enabling/disabling the SDK.
  • If configure() is not called, subsequent calls to other public API SDK get retained and get triggered after configure() is called.
  • If RMC SDK is used for installing IAM SDK then RMC SDK configuration should be followed rather than IAM configuration.


This method is provided for the host application to log and save events. These events will be used to match campaign triggers.

The method signature is:

func logEvent(_ event: Event)

IAM provides three pre-defined event types and a custom event type:

  1. AppStartEvent - This event should be logged when the application is considered started by the host app. E.G AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions. It is persistent, meaning, once it's logged it will always satisfy corresponding trigger in a campaign. All subsequent logs of this event are ignored. Campaigns that require only AppStartEvent are shown once per app launch.
  2. LoginSuccessfulEvent - This event should be logged whenever the user logs in successfully.
  3. PurchaseSuccessfulEvent - This event should be logged whenever a successful purchase occurs and has several pre-defined properties – purchase amount, number of items, currency code and item list.
  4. CustomEvent - This event is created by the host app developers and can take in any event name and a list of custom attributes.
// App start event.
// Purchase successful event.
let purchaseEvent = PurchaseSuccessfulEvent()
purchaseEvent.setItemList(["box", "hammer"])

// Login event.
// Custom event.
let stringAttribute = CustomAttribute(withKeyName: "userResponse", withStringValue: "hi")
let intAttribute = CustomAttribute(withKeyName: "numberOfClicks", withIntValue: 100)
let boolAttribute = CustomAttribute(withKeyName: "didNavigateToPage", withBoolValue: false)
let doubleAttribute = CustomAttribute(withKeyName: "percentageOfCompletion", withDoubleValue: 55.0)
let timeAttribute = CustomAttribute(withKeyName: "timeOfCompletion", withTimeInMilliValue: 32423424)
let attributesList = [stringAttribute, intAttribute, boolAttribute, doubleAttribute, timeAttribute]
RInAppMessaging.logEvent(CustomEvent(withName: "any_event_name_here", withCustomAttributes: attributesList))


A preference is what will allow IAM to identify users for targeting and segmentation. Preference object should implement UserInfoProvider protocol and provide any of the following identifiers (not all need to be provided):

  1. UserID - An unique identifier associated with user membership. Usually it's the name used in login process (e.g. an email address).
  2. IDTrackingIdentifier - The value provided by the internal ID SDK as the "tracking identifier" value.
  3. AccessToken - This is the token provided by the internal RAuthentication SDK as the "accessToken" value

⚠️ The method is designed to be called ONCE once per app session - i.e. only one instance of UserInfoProvider can be created. IAM SDK will read object's properties on demand. There's no need to call this method again after login/logout for example.

To ensure correct user targeting, please keep user information in the preference object up to date. After logout process is complete the preference object should return nil or "" in all UserInfoProvider methods.
Preferences are not persisted so this function needs to be called on every launch.

Generic example using UserID

import RInAppMessaging

class UserPreference: UserInfoProvider {
    func getUserID() -> String? { 

    func getIDTrackingIdentifier() -> String? { nil }
    func getAccessToken() -> String? { nil }

let preference = UserPreference()


In certain cases there might be a need to manually close a campaign's message without user interaction. An example is when a different user logs in and the currently displayed campaign does not target the new user. (Or when a campaign's message appears after login process has started). In that case, to avoid user's confusion, host app can force-close the campaign by calling closeMessage() API method. The clearQueuedCampaigns optional parameter, when set to true (false by default), will additionally remove all campaigns that were queued to be displayed.

RInAppMessaging.closeMessage(clearQueuedCampaigns: true)

Note: Calling this API will not increment the campaign's impression (i.e. not counted as displayed).

Custom Events

As shown in the example above for event logging, IAM also supports custom event. Custom events are events with an unique name and a list of attributes associated with them.

In order to properly utilize custom events, the person creating the campaign must sync up with the host app developers to ensure that both the event name and attribute name/value exactly match exactly - note that these are case-sensitive.

From the dashboard side, you will have the ability to also add an operator. The following operators are supported:

  1. EQUALS - The values should be equal. In terms of timeInMillis, there will be a tolerance of 1000 milliseconds. E.G 1001 and 500 milliseconds will be considered equal.
  2. IS_NOT_EQUAL - The values should be different. In terms of timeInMillis, there will be a tolerance of 1000 milliseconds. E.G 1001 and 500 milliseconds will be considered equal.
  3. GREATER_THAN - The event attribute value is greater than the campaign's trigger value. Applies to only arithmetic types.
  4. LESS_THAN - The event attribute value is less than the campaign's trigger value. Applies to only arithmetic types.
  5. IS_BLANK - The attribute value is empty. Applies to only String type only.
  6. IS_NOT_BLANK - The attribute value is not empty. Applied to String type only.
  7. MATCHES_REGEX - The attribute value matches the regular expression. Applies to only String type.
  8. DOES_NOT_MATCH_REGEX - The attribute value does not match the regular expression. Applies to only String type string.

Note: When comparing date as timeInMillis values, there is a tolerance of 1000 milliseconds. This means that comparisons using any relevant operator types will have a leniency of 1 second. E.g. comparing 300ms and 600ms with the EQUALS operator will return true, while comparing 300 and 1400 will return false.

From the SDK side, host app developers will be able to log custom events as shown in the examples above. When the event matching process happens, note that the attributes of the event logged by the host app will be compared against the campaign's trigger attribute value e.g. if the trigger attribute value is an integer of 5 with an operator type of GREATER_THAN, and the attribute value of the event logged is an integer 10, then the 10 will be successfully matched against the 5 with a GREATER_THAN operator (i.e. 10 > 5).

Optional features

Campaign context verification

An optional variable onVerifyContext is called before a message is displayed for campaigns that have one or more contexts defined. A context can be added as the text inside "[]" within an IAM portal "Campaign Name" e.g. the campaign name is "[ctx1] title" so the context is "ctx1". Return false in onVerifyContext closure to prevent campaign from displaying (it won't count as an impression).
Note: onVerifyContext is not called for campaigns without defined contexts.
Note: This feature also works with Tooltips. ('[Tooltip]' in the title is not considered as a context)

RInAppMessaging.onVerifyContext = { (contexts: [String], campaignTitle: String) in
    guard campaignTitle == "[context1] campaign-title-1", contexts.contains("context1") else {
        return true
    if /* check your condition e.g. are you on the correct screen to display this message? */ {
        return true
    } else {
        return false

Error callback

Developers can set an optional variable errorCallback to receive internal SDK errors. This allows you to log the errors somewhere, e.g. a 3rd party analytics service, for later troubleshooting.

import RInAppMessaging

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    RInAppMessaging.errorCallback = { [weak self] error in

Accessibility / Automation tests support

The campaign message view contains elements with accessibilityIdentifier value. In some apps those elements might not visible for test automation tools like Appium. To fix that issue set accessibilityCompatibleDisplay flag to true. The SDK will use a different logic to display campaign messages.
Note: This feature changes the way campaign views are added to the view hierarchy which, in some apps, might result in campaigns to be displayed incorrectly.

import RInAppMessaging

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    RInAppMessaging.accessibilityCompatibleDisplay = true
    return true

Push Primer

Push Primer is a special action type that can be set in ONE of the campaign message buttons. When user taps the Push Primer button, the SDK tries to authorize and then register for remote notifications. Developers can set UNUserAuthorizationOptions used during authorization proces by setting pushPrimerAuthorizationOptions variable:

RInAppMessaging.pushPrimerAuthorizationOptions = [.badge, .provisional]

If the variable wasn't modified, a default value will be used.

⚠️ The Push Primer feature will not work if user has disabled Remote Notifications in system settings.

Errors related to authorization requests can be accessed using the 'Error callback' feature. Errors related to registration requests will be returned in application(_:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:) method in the App delegate object. The process can be considered as successful when application(_:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:) method is called.

How to set up your app for registering with APNS

Tooltip Campaigns

Tooltip feature is currently in beta testing; its features and behaviour might change in the future. Please refer to the internal guide for more information.

To enable tooltips you must set enableTooltipFeature flag to true when calling configure()

RInAppMessaging.configure(enableTooltipFeature: true)

To attach tooltip to a UIView instance, set its accessibilityIdentifier value to tooltip's UIElement identifier.

let actionButton = UIButton()
actionButton.accessibilityIdentifier = "tooltip.1"

To attach tooltip to a SwiftUI view, use canHaveTooltip() modifier.
Important: This modifier must be called AFTER RInAppMessaging.configure(). Otherwise the tooltip will not appear.

import RInAppMessaging
var body: some View {
        .canHaveTooltip(identifier: "tooltip.1")

Note: This feature requires minimum iOS version of 15.0

Displaying Tooltips on tab bar buttons

(Applicable only to UIKit integration)
To be able to display tooltips on UITabBar items/buttons you need to set accessibilityIdentifier of UITabBarItem object associated with your tab view controller. Then you need to call updateItemIdentifiers() method on UITabBar object.

A code example from UIViewController's viewDidLoad() method

tabBarItem.accessibilityIdentifier = "UIElement.4"

This setup can be also done in other lifecycle methods and classes.

Manually closing displayed tooltip

Tooltips can be closed manually in similar way campaign messages are closed with closeMessage() API method.
The closeTooltip(with uiElementIdentifier: String) API method closes currently displayed tooltip attached to provided UI Element without user interaction. The uiElementIdentifier parameter identifier tells SDK which tooltip should be closed. Its value should match the value put under UIElement parameter in tooltip JSON payload.

RInAppMessaging.closeTooltip(with: "uielement.button.action1")

Note: Calling this method will not count as an impression (i.e. the message won't be counted as displayed).

Build/Run Example Application and Unit Tests

  • Clone or fork the repo
  • cd to the repo folder
  • Set env vars RIAM_CONFIG_URL and RIAM_APP_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY according to the internal integration guide
  • Important Note: InAppMessaging-Secrets.xcconfig MUST NOT be committed to git - it is ignored by git in the repo's .gitignore file
  • Run bundle install then run bundle exec pod install
  • Open RInAppMessaging.xcworkspace in Xcode then build/run
  • To run the tests press key shortcut command-U

SDK Logic

User cache

Each user has a separate cache container that is persisted in UserDefaults. Each combination of userId and idTrackingIdentifier is treated as a different user including a special - anonymous user - that represents non logged-in user (userId and idTrackingIdentifier are null or empty). The cache stores data from ping response enriched with impressions counter and opt-out status. Calling registerPerference() reloads the cache and refreshes the list of available campaigns (with ping request).

Client-side opt-out handling

If user (with registered identifier using registerPerference()) opts out from a campaign, that information is saved in user cache locally on the device and the campaign won't be shown again for that user on the same device. The opt-out status is not shared between devices. The same applies for anonymous user.

Client-side max impressions handling

Campaign impressions (displays) are counted locally for each user. Meaning that a campaign with maxImpression value of 3 will be displayed to each user (registered with registerPerference()) max 3 times. Campaign's max impression number can be modified in the dashboard/backend. Then the SDK, after next ping call, will compare new value with old max impression number and add the difference to the current impression counter. The max impression data is not shared between devices. The same applies for anonymous user.

(Optional) How enable custom fonts in your Campaigns

The SDK will optionally use custom fonts in your Campaigns if your app has them pre-registered. Specify one for the text body/headers and one for the buttons in either ttf or otf format. Fallsback to the system font if unset.

First add the two font files to your Xcode target.

Get the "PostScript name" of your fonts by:

$ fc-scan --format "%{postscriptname}\n" customfont-medium.otf


In your Info.plist configuration, set the PostScript names under InAppMessagingCustomFontNameTitle, InAppMessagingCustomFontNameText and InAppMessagingCustomFontNameButton along with the file names of the fonts under UIAppFonts.



Troubleshooting & F.A.Q.

  • Configuration service returns RequestError.missingMetadata error
    • Ensure that IAM SDK is integrated properly (not as a static library)
  • If you receive HTTP error 401
    • If you are providing an access token in UserInfoProvider make sure that it comes from PROD endpoint. (this applies only to Rakuten developers)
  • If user targeting is not working
    • Ensure you provide userId or idTrackingIdentifier in UserInfoProvider object.
    • If you set an accessToken you must also provide associated userId. (Rakuten developers only)
    • Ensure you are not providing accessToken and idTrackingIdentifier at the same time. (Rakuten developers only)
    • IAM SDK is not able to verify if provided accessToken is invalid or not matching userId.
  • Status bar characters and icons are not visible when Full-Screen campaign is presented
    • If your app is running on iOS version below 13.0 you need to either change background color of the campaign or set proper preferredStatusbarStyle in the top-most view controller. (for iOS versions above 13.0 this issue is handled internally by the SDK)
  • A launch event campaign is presented more times than expected.
    • Ideally registerPreference() should be called after configure() and before any logEvent() method
    • The preference object must contain up-to-date information before registerPreference() is called
    • Each userId/idTrackingIdentifier combination (including empty one) has its own counter for campaign impressions.
    • Killing the app or calling closeMessage() API while campaign is being displayed doesn't count as impression. Note: If registerPreference() is called before configure() then it gets retained and gets triggered after configure() is called.

For other issues and more detailed information, Rakuten developers should refer to the Troubleshooting Guide on the internal developer documentation portal.


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  • Swift 99.0%
  • Other 1.0%