The latest Binaries can be downloaded from the app itself (v3-master branch):
Refer to the mentioned URL for:
Mac (arm64, x64) , Windows (x86, x64) , Linux (x64)
For Linux (arm64):
The brave browser will be used from the v3-dev branch due to the unavailability of Chromium updates in Linux aarch64/arm64.
The latest Binaries are in the releases section of their repos.
Chrome Driver =
Chrome Binary =
(v3-master branch only)
Automatic updates of binaries are disabled by default as the latest version might produce more Cloudflare captcha problems.
For updates, change the URLs from config.ini inside the common folder.
The binaries attached below are required for Educative Scraper v2
-- Win Chrome Version 96
-- Mac Chrome Version 98 Use this to Disable Chrome updates
-- Linux AMD64 Chrome Version 98
-- Linux ARM64 Chromium Version 101