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Create a new pull request by comparing changes across two branches #124

Create a new pull request by comparing changes across two branches

Create a new pull request by comparing changes across two branches #124

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.head_ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
permissions: {}
shell: bash
runs-on: ubuntu-latest-4core
SAUCE_TUNNEL_IDENTIFIER: angular-framework-${{ github.run_number }}
- name: Initialize environment
uses: angular/dev-infra/github-actions/npm/checkout-and-setup-node@1173ab9b7174e4ec6ff3a3455226ca75594edaa0
cache-node-modules: true
# Checking out the pull request commit is intended here as we need to run the changed code tests.
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
- name: Install node modules
run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
- name: Setup Bazel
uses: angular/dev-infra/github-actions/bazel/setup@1173ab9b7174e4ec6ff3a3455226ca75594edaa0
- name: Starting Saucelabs tunnel service
run: ./tools/saucelabs/ run &
# Build test fixtures for a test that rely on Bazel-generated fixtures. Note that disabling
# specific tests which are reliant on such generated fixtures is not an option as SystemJS
# in the Saucelabs legacy job always fetches referenced files, even if the imports would be
# guarded by an check to skip in the Saucelabs legacy job. We should be good running such
# test in all supported browsers on Saucelabs anyway until this job can be removed.
- name: Preparing Bazel-generated fixtures required in legacy tests
run: |
yarn bazel build //packages/core/test:downleveled_es5_fixture //packages/common/locales
# Needed for the ES5 downlevel reflector test in `packages/core/test/reflection`.
mkdir -p dist/legacy-test-out/core/test/reflection/
cp dist/bin/packages/core/test/reflection/es5_downleveled_inheritance_fixture.js \
# Locale files are needed for i18n tests running within Saucelabs. These are added
# directly as sources so that the TypeScript compilation of `/packages/tsconfig.json`
# can succeed. Note that the base locale and currencies files are checked-in, so
# we do not need to re-generate those through Bazel.
mkdir -p packages/common/locales/extra
cp dist/bin/packages/common/locales/*.ts packages/common/locales
cp dist/bin/packages/common/locales/extra/*.ts packages/common/locales/extra
- name: Build bundle of tests to run on Saucelabs
run: node tools/legacy-saucelabs/build-saucelabs-test-bundle.mjs
- name: Wait and confirm Saucelabs tunnel has connected
run: ./tools/saucelabs/ ready-wait
timeout-minutes: 3
- name: Running tests on Saucelabs.
run: KARMA_WEB_TEST_MODE=SL_REQUIRED yarn karma start ./karma-js.conf.js --single-run
- name: Stop Saucelabs tunnel service
run: ./tools/saucelabs/ stop