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angelozerr edited this page Nov 2, 2016 · 4 revisions

Configure Node.js

When you install TypeScript, you can benefit with:

  • a TypeScript server tsserver which consumes TypeScript Language API to provide services like completion, validation, hover, hyperlink for TypeScript files.
  • a TypeScript compiler tsc to compile *.ts/*.tsx files to *.js/* files.

Those 2 command requires node.js. TypeScript IDE gives you the capability to use:

  • the embedded node.js (by default) if you don't want to install node.js
  • or choose your installed node.js.

To customize the Node.js version that you wish to use, you can do it with project TypeScript / Node.js preference page:

Configure Node

Configure TypeScript

TypeScript IDE provides:

  • a client which consumes with tsserver to provide completion, hyperlink, etc for TypeScript.
  • a compiler with tsc to compile *.ts/*.tsx files to *.js/* files.

You can use

  • the embedded typeScript bundle.
  • or choose your typescript bundle (that you can download with npm install typescript in your project).

To customize the TypeScript version that you wish to use, you can do it with project TypeScript / Runtime preference page:

Configure TypeScript Runtime

This page gives you the capability to trace request/response tsserver, which can be helpful to discovers some bugs.

Please see TypeScript Compiler section for more information.

Configure Build Path

If you wish to compile, build on save, please see Build Path section for more information.